• Wire rope sling capacity chart. A Test Certificate comes with each wire rope sling.

    Wire rope sling capacity chart. Interpreting Wire Rope Sling Capacity Charts.

    Wire rope sling capacity chart Suppose we have a wire rope sling with a diameter of 10mm: Calculate: SWL = 10 2 x 8 = 100 x 8 = 800 kg; This means our 10mm wire rope sling has a vertical SWL of 800 kg. Learn about the factors that affect the safe working load of wire rope slings and how to select the right sling for your application. Here are some crucial factors to keep in mind: Wire rope sling capacity: Understanding the safe working load (SWL) is crucial. ANGLE º Web Sling Rating EE2-902 6,200 lbs X 60º angle reduction. The most common size: wire rope slings having soft eyes at both end used for heavy lifting operations with safety factor of 7, length 6m, 12m, 16m, 20m, and the swl from 5 ton to 40 ton. Chain Slings The working load limits above are calculated on a 5:1 design factor Wire Rope Slings Web Slings Round Slings Proud Supplier of: WORKING LOAD LIMITS (LBS) Flemish Eye Splice Vertical Lift Choker Hitch Basket Hitch 2 Part Bridle Sling 4 Part Bridle Sling 90o 90o 90o 60° 45° 60° 45° Size (Inch) 1/4 1300 960 2600 2200 1820 4400 3600 This document is a load chart for wire rope slings that provides the safe working loads for various wire rope diameters and configurations including choke hitches, basket hitches, and other methods of loading. The tables provide capacity ratings in tons for vertical, choker, and basket configurations at Capacity chart for single leg wire rope slings- EIP Grade WIRE ROPE DIAMETER VERTICAL CHOKER BASKET 1/4" . This is the method used to determine the working load limit (WLL) of a sling: minimum breaking strength of the wire rope (MBL) multiplied by the efficiency of the splice or end fittings divided by the design factor 5. The chart specifies the diameter, construction, safe working load, standard loop or eye size, and diameter for slings ranging from 8mm to 52mm in diameter. Find rated capacities, design factors, D/d ratios and more for different types and sizes of slings. Columbus McKinnon (CM) Van Beest; Wire Rope Choker Capacity Chart. The actual diameter of the rope as supplied shall be within +4 Wire Rope Slings come in a variety of sizes: From 5mm to 20mm Diameter Ranging from 600Kg up to 72,900Kg on 3 Legs Maximum Capacity of 72,900Kg with use of 4 Legs For further details on the capacities of Wire Rope Slings please refer to Specification for Loading Chart. Grade 100 Chain Sling Capacity Chart 3 & 4 Legs. Wire Rope Slings Sling angles and influence on capacity. shaws-industrial. Jul 24, 1996 · 6 x 19 IWRC Wire rope sling capacities - Flemish Eye - Ansi B30. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. 2 3. insufficient number of clips 2. Super-Flex slings are flexible and can snug up tightly around the load in choker hitches. Covermax outer Cover Red inner Cover K-SPEC Load Yarns 25,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 85,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 250,000 300,000 If you are using one wire rope sling in a vertical hitch, you can utilize the full rated lifting capacity of the sling, but you must not exceed that lifting capacity. incorrect spacing between clips 3. (c) When IWRC wire rope slings are to be used at temperatures above 400 ºF (204 ºC) or below -40 ºF (-40 ºC), the sling manufacturer should be consulted. These slings connect the load to the lifting device and are available in a wide range of applications. ) KeyFlex 90,000 48 This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth wire rope slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. Understanding the type you’re using is crucial in determining its SWL. Vertical Basket 45° Basket Basket Sling Angle in Degrees Reduction Factor* 60° 30° 45° 45° 45° Angle of Choke Point of Choke 3 0 d eg . Thimble Eye Wire Rope Slings; Single Leg Wire Rope Sling with Masterlink & Hook; Soft Eye Wire Rope Slings; Wire Rope Double Leg Slings; Three Leg Wire Rope Slings; 4 Leg Wire Rope Slings; Endless Wire Rope Slings; Web Slings and Lifting Strops. Grade 100 Chain Sling Capacity Chart 1 & 2 Legs. C. The rated capacity must also be adjusted when, in a multi-leg lift, the pull is against the choke. 3 Leg Wire Rope Bridle Capacity Chart. A grommet is a special type of sling which forms a continuous loop. Note that our five step manufacturing process, commonly referred to as a "Flemish" splice, Eye & Eye Drawn Galvanized Wire Rope Slings Capacity Chart . 7 1. improper assembly additionally, inspect wedge sockets for: 1. Find the working load limits (WLL) of wire rope slings for different diameters, hitches, and angles. 6 0 de. # EIPS Capacities (tons) Eye Hook(tons) Standard EyeDimensions(W” x L”) Read More » 114 Rigging Hardware WIRE ROPE SLING HARDWARE Note: Standard capacities and dimensions shown, but may vary depending on source of supply. 1 0. When ordering wire rope slings, please be sure to include the following important information to ensure a successful transaction: The quantity you require; The effective length; The diameter and/or capacity; The wire rope construction; The type of splice; And the size of eyes and end fittings 3. Each type offers different flexibility, load capacities, and suitability for specific lifting applications. Quick Links The stated load factors are maximum values of the various steel wire rope sling types, stated according to the standard (Uniform Load) method of rating. Juli provides detailed superflex wire rope single sling Superflex single slings are used for general lifting purposes where a flexible steel sling is needed. 9 3 x 6" 2. While 6 x 19 ropes have more abrasion resistance, the 6 x 36 ropes have more fatigue resistance because they have more wires per strand. What are the different types of wire rope slings available? Wire rope slings come in several types, including single-part slings, multi-part braided slings (such as 3-part, 6-part, and 8-part), and hand-spliced slings. Wire rope slings are the most common type of sling that Kennedy Wire Rope & Sling fabricates. Loop Size 2 Legs 3 Legs 4 Legs 60° 45° 30° 60° 45° 30° 60° 45° 30° 6 x 19 XIP IWRC 1/4″ 0. CSI Ref. 184 (f) Wire Rope Slings [§1910. How do I select the Best Practices for Maximizing Wire Rope Sling Load Capacity. Capacities In Feet Of Rope = (A + B) ACK Example: How much 1 1/4″ diameter rope can be spooled on a drum […] Capacity charts for most slings manufactured by Liftex. Edwards Wire Rope Slings provide the strength and sturdiness required for lifting those tough loads. 4 0. Eye and EyeTurnbuckle; Eye and Hook Turnbuckle; Eye and Jaw Turnbuckle; Hook and Hook Turnbuckle; Jaw and Jaw Turnbuckle; Wire Rope Clips. The WLL is shown in the table in tonnes on 1000kgf – the standard safety factor is 5. If you are using one wire rope sling in a vertical hitch, you can utilize the full rated lifting capacity of the sling, but you must not exceed that lifting capacity. One of the most critical aspects of using wire rope slings is understanding their load capacity. Understanding Wire Rope Slings Types of Wire Rope Slings. Rated capacity: The maximum load a sling can safely lift under ideal conditions. Machine Spliced Wire Rope Slings made to order Our wire rope slings are fitted with a WLL Safety Tag. Wire-Rope-Sling-Capacity-Charts. OSHA 1910. Polyester Round Slings. Only two splices occur in the entire sling – where the two rope ends are spliced at the eyes. txt) or read online for free. Used in the construction industry and other industries where heavy loads rugged conditions exist. Sling Polyester Web Sling Wire Rope Sling Tri-Flex ® Sling (3 part) Multi-Part Wire Rope (Gator Laid ® and Gator-Flex ® Slings) Chain Sling: Key Features: Lightest and Strongest Slings available, Repairable, Overload Indicators, Low stretch, Longest lasting Sling Wire Rope Vertical Choker Basket Sling Angle Rope Dia. com Web Slings WEB SINGLE PLY LBS LBS LBS WEB DOUBLE PLY LBS LBS LBS WIDTH SLING TYPE VERTICAL CHOKER BASKET WIDTH SLING TYPE VERTICAL CHOKER BASKET 1" EE1-901 1,600 1,200 3,200 1" EE2-901 3,200 2,500 6,400 WIRE ROPE. Sling Usage Dictates Sling Body Construction. A. Only use slings with proper Rated Capacity for the work required. Either a hand-splice or a mechanical splice then forms an endless sling body. Construction and Components The Tri-Flex wire rope sling is composed of 3 parts of wire rope and mechanically spliced to create a wire rope sling that is flexible, rated for high capacities, and has the ability to be used with small hardware without loss of capacity (low D/d) . HAVE QUESTIONS? CALL AN EXPERT TODAY! (706) 750-9099. 1-800-299-0900. Thimble Eye & Eye Drawn Galvanized Wire Rope Slings Capacity Chart . Factors affecting capacities. 2 the same minimum breaking force, size for size. The chart specifies the diameter and construction of each sling size, its safe working load capacity in kilograms or metric tons, the standard loop or eye size in inches, and the corresponding the other end of the sling and the sling is choked around the load being picked up. Covermax outer Cover Red inner Cover K-SPEC Load Yarns Outer Cover 25,000 Let's walk through an example. Whether to use a single-part sling (one made of a single wire rope in the sling body) or a multi-part sling (several ropes in the body) is usually the first decision to make after determining the sling length and capacity for a lift. It lists the nominal breaking force and recommended safe working loads in tonnes for wire ropes ranging from 8 to 60mm in diameter depending on the type of end fitting and angle of load. top of page. Learn how to calculate the load capacity and the factors that affect it. 9 Capacity Charts Catalogs Wire-Rope-Sling-Multi-Leg All Commercial Group riggers are trained to Skip to content 800-931-7701 Oct 23, 2020 · GREATER WEAR RESISTANCE: A 6 x 25 IWRC (Independent Wire Rope Core) classification for wire rope slings offer large outer wires that provide a balance between fatigue and wear resistance. of sling in the charts Slingmax multi-part wire rope slings are designed for increased capacity and excellent flexibility. 1. Steel erectors, millwrights, and riggers use Tri-Flex Wire Rope Slings for everything from steel erection or machinery moving to any type of heavy lift. , 6x19, 6x37). ). We use various types and constructions of wire rope when fabricating slings, bright This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth wire rope slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. For each size and configuration, the chart specifies the maximum recommended working load and minimum breaking strength in tonnes. Available in many configurations with Call Today: 908-351-7800 Office Hours 8am-5pm | Shop Hours 7:30am-4pm conditions that cause doubt as to the continued use of the sling additionally inspect wire rope clips for: 1. IWRC – Wire Rope Core: FC – Fiber Core: Related products. Products. This wire rope sling is fabricated by unlaying the rope body into two parts, one containing half the number of strands, the other having the remaining strands and core. Components of a Wire Rope Sling Capacity Chart. Find the capacity of wire rope slings for different leg numbers, angles, and diameters. Nominal Rope Diameter: Tolerance Wire Rope Slings are the most common and lowest cost per ton of lift of all slings. Larger capacity Wire Rope Slings upon request. 2 Leg Wire Rope Bridles Capacity Chart . 7 3. Reduction of sling capacity depends on the angle of the Sling leg. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 5 2. RopeDia. Wire Rope Slings are the most common and lowest cost per ton of lift of all slings. In general, we UHFRPPHQGWKHXVHRID [ :6,QDQ\DSSOLFDWLRQZKHUHD [ ):LVXVHG Wire Rope & Slings 83 Approximately 1% at rated capacity. Wire Rope Class. Rated capacities shown apply only to 6x19 and 6x37 class wire rope *5200(7 6x37 class wire rope GROMMETS Endless Slings Wire Rope & Slings Keywords e-z flex, cable laid slings, wire rope, slings, 7x7x7, 7x7x19, standard combinations, length, rated capacity, eye & eye, eye & thimble, eye & hook, eye & crescent thimble, eye & slip-thru thimble, slip-thru thimble & hook, slip-thru thimble & slip-thru thimble, thimble & thimble, e/e, e/t, e/th, e/ct, e/st, st/th, st Wire Rope Chain Slings Rigging Hardware Mesh Slings Lift-All Hoists Hoist Rings Lifting Devices Plate Clamps Load Huggers Tow Products General Information Web Slings Round Slings Sling Protection Wire Rope Chain Slings Rigging Hardware Mesh Slings Round Slings Round Slings Sling Type Vertical Rating (lbs. Draeger PAC 6000; Draeger PAC 6500; Draeger PAC This document provides a load chart for wire rope slings with working load limits specified for various rope diameters, types of sling configurations (one, two, three, and four leg slings and endless slings), and angles to the vertical. Special Manufacture Higher Load Round slings; Wire Rope Slings. Wire Rope Sling Capacity Chart Open Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm Tel: 403-501-5513 Fax: 403-501-5514 Slings Sling Protection Wire Rope Chain Slings Rigging Hardware Mesh Slings Lift-All Hoists Hoist Rings Lifting Devices Plate Clamps Load Huggers Tow Products General Information Web Slings Round Slings Sling Protection Wire Rope Chain Slings Rigging Hardware Mesh Slings Wire Rope Wire Rope ENDLESS SLINGS Do not lift with hook in splice area as The rated capacity of a wire rope sling is based upon the Minimum Breaking Force (MBF) of the wire rope used in the sling and other factors that Example - Capacity of a Single Rope or Wire. improperly tightened clips 5. The chart specifies the diameter and construction of each sling size, its safe working load capacity in kilograms or metric tons, the standard loop or eye size in inches, and the corresponding Mechanical Splicing: Mechanically spliced eyes do not suffer the limitations of hand splicing, are economical, and offer the highest rated capacity of any spliced wire rope sling. Indicate size wire (diameter) 4. 4 3. Oct 10, 2023 · 2. Rated capacities based on pin diameter no larger than the natural eye width or no less than the nominal sling diameter. See tables for single leg, multiple leg, vertical, and horizontal slings. superflex wire rope single sling Superflex single slings are used for general lifting purposes where a flexible steel sling is needed. If the weight of a body is W - the load in the wire is. P. %PDF-1. marineandindustrial. size. 1 British Standard Thimbles available on request Hand spliced wire rope available on request This document provides a chart listing the working load limits, proof loads, and minimum breaking loads for wire rope slings of various sizes in both single and multi-leg configurations. improper assembly Sep 4, 2016 · 4 www. 90 d e. 92 0. When wire rope is bent around the load diameter, the rope strength is decreased. Inspect for kinks as they will reduce the sling capacity. The sizes range from 8mm to 128mm diameter wire rope. 1 2 0 d eg. The document discusses HDPE outrigger pads produced by Universal Crane Mats Ltd. • Shock load wire rope slings. Rated capacity in tons of 2,000 lbs. HOME. The document provides information on wire rope sling load charts and safety recommendations for using slings. wire rope. 6 - Selecting the correct sling: Wire rope slings are available in a range of sizes and assemblies, select the slings to be rope or the component rope diameter in a multi-part sling (represented by “d”). Loop Size Multiple Leg Slings Capacity - Tons 2 Legs 3 Legs 4 legs Vertical Choker Basket 60°45°30° 60°45° 30° 60°45°30° 3/8" 1. For example, if the diameter of the bend (“D”) is 10 and the component rope diameter (“d”) is 1/2, the D/d ratio is 10 ÷ 1/2 or 20. The D/d ratio is the diameter of the object around which the rope is bent (D), divided by the diameter (d) of the rope. F = force in rope (N, lb f) W = m g = weight of body (N, lb f) m = mass of body (kg, slugs) SHIPPING REEL CAPACITY While it is virtually impossible to calculate the precise length of wire rope that can be spooled on a reel or drum, the following provides a sufficiently close approximation. Covermax outer Cover Red inner Cover K-SPEC Load Yarns 25,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 85,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 250,000 300,000 Find the breaking force and load factor of wire rope slings in different configurations and diameters. pdf), Text File (. Fiber core wire rope slings of all grades shall be permanently removed from service if they are wire rope thimbles Higher tensile steel point hooks for use with wire rope thimbles Specification for steel chain slings (first revision) Methods for splicing of wire ropes: Hand splicingof wireropes Win: rope sling legs with ferrule­ secured eye terminals Fenules - Specification (firstrevision) Quality management system ­ Requirements 2758: Special Manufacture Higher Load Round slings: WIRE ROPE SLINGS Thimble Eye Wire Rope Slings Single Leg Wire Rope Sling with Masterlink & Hook Soft Eye Wire Rope Slings Wire Rope Double Leg Slings Three Leg Wire Rope Slings 4 Leg Wire Rope Slings Endless Wire Rope Slings: WEB SLINGS AND LIFTING STROPS 1000 kg Web Sling 3000 kg Web Sling 4000 kg SLING HAS THE RATED CAPACITY FOR YOUR LIFT. Find the rated capacities of wire rope slings in tons for different configurations and classifications. Crosby Wire Rope Clips; Crosby Fist Grip Wire Rope Clips; Heavy Duty - CR1000; Safety & PPE. Description. 6 X 36 XIP® & 6 X 19 XIP® 210 STRAND LAID HAND SPLICE HAND-SPLICE OR MECHANICAL SPLICE GROMMETS Grommets either have a wire rope body or a body SLING CHART FOR WIRE ROPE SLINGS (IWRC 1960 Grade) This chart generally in accordance with BSEN 13414‐1 Unit Rope Size (mm) Working Load Limit Minimum Breaking Load required)(Unit Rope) Proof Load Per Leg @ 0 Degrees (if Single Leg 0‐90° included angle 0‐120° included angle 2 Legged 3/4 Eye & Eye Wire Rope Slings Click on picture for Capacity Chart Multi-Leg Wire Rope Slings Click on picture for Capacity Chart TOUGH-LOCK™AND CABLE-FLEX™ WIRE ROPE SLINGS "Tough-Lock™" and "Cable-Flex™" slings are uniquely constructed unlike various return wire loop types. 6 %âãÏÓ 749 0 obj > endobj 794 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[749 85]/Info 748 0 R/Length 176/Prev 312194/Root 750 0 R/Size 834/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1 Types of slings. (D/d) Considerations Wire Rope Construction Core One Rope Lay Wire Center Wire Strand Wire Rope 1819 2nd Avenue N. 8 1. Factors that affect working load limits Type of hitches, body style, and leg angles will affect the Sling Rated Capacity. Wire Rope General Information; Wire Rope Sling Capacities; Installation, Operation And Maintenance Recommendations; Wire Rope Type. Pinching Working Load Limit Chart in Pounds (LBS) Pro Lift Wire Rope Slings EIPS Grade •Rated Cacpacities basket Steel wire ropes — Fibre main cores (third revision) 3 TERMINOLOGY For the purpose of this standard the IS 2365 shall apply. Remember the rule of thumb 8-part body. The Importance of a Wire Rope Sling Capacity Chart. Available in many configurations with Jul 24, 1996 · Sling Angle: 45 Degree Sling Angle: 1/4" 5/16" 1120 lbs: 820 lbs: The following chart lists the size tolerances of wire rope. 2 1. AMERICAN MADE RIGGING: Hanes Supply, Inc. We offer a full line of proven wire rope slings, including singl-part body, multe -part body, SuperFlexi ® braided slings, grommets and socket assemblies. always refer to asme b30. These slings consist multi-part braided constructions. Download Catalog. View Rated Capacity charts for varying rope types. As someone who's spent years in the rigging industry, I've seen firsthand how proper practices can make all the Example - Capacity of a Single Rope or Wire. Each type possesses unique properties suitable for specific applications, and the sling's capacity designates the maximum load it can safely manage. A Test Certificate comes with each wire rope sling. If the shackle or object has 2 times the diameter of a 6-strand wire rope sling (D/d 2:1) the basket sling capacity must be reduced by 40%. 184(f)(3)] Safe operating temperatures. Let's break it down: Choosing the right wire rope sling isn't just about picking the strongest option. Show sling length in feet (bearing to bearing of inside eyes) Example: 10F, 3/8” x 10 foot wire rope sling 22 wire rope SLINGS TOUGH-LOCK™ AND CABLE-FLEX™ WIRE ROPE SLINGS "Tough-Lock™" and "Cable-Flex™" slings are uniquely constructed unlike vari-ous return wire loop types. • Use wire rope slings at temperatures above 100°C or below minus 40°C without consulting the supplier. # 2 - UHMWPE / Dyneema endless round sling capacity chart: Material: 100% high-strength polyester yarn, UHMWPE, Wire Rope Slings; Chains & Chain Lifting Slings; Polyester Round Slings Rated Capacities in Pounds DO NOT EXCEED RATED CAPACITIES www. Crosby Clips. Jan 27, 2016 · This document provides specifications for various wire rope sling configurations including single and multi-leg slings. 1 Leg - 1 Part 1 Leg - 1 Part 2 Legs - 1 Part Each 2 Legs - 1 Part Each Endless Max Permitted Angle 90° MINIMUM PERMITTED FACTOR OF SAFETY 6:1 6:1 6:1 6:1 6:1 6:1 6:1 6:1 6:1 6:1 8:1 Remove sling if you detect: Crushing Flat spots Deformations and abrasion Wire breaks Inspect the eye for wear and wire breaks. 866 X Nombre of legs 2 = 2 Leg Bridle EE2-902 10,730 lbs WARNING Environmental considerations Nylon and Polyester are seriously degraded at temperatures above 200° F. ALWAYS INSPECT wire rope for WEAR, DAMAGE or ABUSE Tri-Flex® Wire Rope Slings are three-part slings created to replace large diameter single-part wire rope slings that proved awkward and stiff. Tusker® Wire Rope Sling Capacity Chart The data supplied applies to hand and mechanically spliced slings in the more popular rope diameters and configurations. However, angles between 60° to 90° are generally considered safe. The use of wire rope slings is one of the most important pieces of rigging hardware used in lifting and hoisting operations within the manufacturing industry. Common types include single-leg slings, multi-leg slings, and endless slings. It is a common rope in the 6 x 19 classification. top of page 1-800-299-0900 Wire Rope Sling offers 90% terminal each efficiency as against 75% with conventional hand spliced cable laid slings. Various types of slings have distinct capacities, with four standard options: wire rope slings, chain slings, synthetic web slings, and round slings. These slings are made in matching lengths. Lifting Slings, Sling Protection, Load Hugger Cargo Control Type of hitches, body style, and leg angles will affect the Sling Rated Capacity. We have attached a Sling Ratings Chart for the convenience of our valued customers. See the working load limits and design factors for grommets, mechanical splice, and IWRC slings. If you are using two wire rope slings in a vertical hitch (called a 2-legged bridle hitch) in a straight lift, the load on each leg increases as the angle Sisal rope 3-strand, minimum breaking strength and safe load. The wire rope sling products you need. See chart for loss factor. Conclusion: SS wire ropes are versatile, but using the right size and lifting technique is crucial for safe operations. 4 ROPE SIZE AND TOLERANCE terms given in The size of the rope designated as ‘nominal diameter’ shall be one of those given in Tables 1 to 13. Super-Flex® 9-part body, round braided slings LARGE CAPACITY 9-PART XIP® WIRE ROPE SLINGS Flexibility and handling ease for rigging large lifts are the main benefits of the 9-PART SLINGS. Proper wire rope sling use and care. wire rope slings synthetic slings polyester round slings table 1: rated capacity for polyester round slings round slings size / # vertical choker vertical basket 45º basket color* pounds pounds pounds pounds In addition, wire rope slings can lift materials with increased temperatures. 65 1. Find the PDF download link and page number navigation for Crosby's wire rope sling capacities catalog. O. • Use wire rope slings in acidic conditions without consulting the supplier. 48 1. Tri-Flex Wire Rope Type of hitches, body style, and leg angles will affect the Sling Rated Capacity. Single Leg Slings Capacity - Tons Approx. is proud to be the industry-leading USA based manufacturer of hoisting solutions for industrial construction and Wire Rope Load Limits Single Leg Slings (Capacity – Tons) Multiple Leg Slings (Capacity – Tons) Rope Dia. Gas Detection. pdf (324. Shop Wire Rope Rated capacities based on pin diameter no larger than natural eye width or less than the nominal sling diameter. Mechanically Spliced Sling Capacity Chart More Info; Reel Capacity More Info; Minimum Sheave and Wire Rope Slings; Shackles. As someone who's spent years in the rigging industry, I've seen firsthand how proper practices can make all the load limit (WLL) of a sling: minimum breaking strength of the wire rope (MBL) multiplied by the efficiency of the splice or end fittings divided by the design factor 5. 9 - 5/1 Safety factor. ) Sling Weight (lbs. Let's break down the key components you'll find in a typical wire rope sling capacity chart: Sling size and construction: This includes the diameter of the wire rope and how it's constructed (e. 3 2″ x 4″ 1. 3-TONS 5/16 1. regulations for additional information. F = force in rope (N, lb f) W = m g = weight of body (N, lb f) m = mass of body (kg, slugs) Capacity charts for most slings manufactured by Liftex. It provides details on the pad features, sizes, properties, and applications. 4 1. com 1 Wire Rope Slings Wire Rope Diameter EIPS Capacities in Tons 6x19 & 6x36 Crosby A-342 Master Links Crosby S-320 Eye Hoist This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth Wire Rope Slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. Do you want to extend the service life of your wire rope sling? We tell you how, plus how to correctly inspect Rated capacities shown apply only to 6 x 19 and 6 x 37 Improved Plow Steel IWRC classification wire rope WARNING! Wire Rope WILL FAIL if worn-out, overloaded, misused, damaged, improperly maintained or abused. 3 5 1 8 0 de g . The following chart lists the size tolerances of wire rope. 97 2. Rated capacities based on design factor of 5 to 1. 1 2. indications of damaged wire rope or wire rope slippage 2. Sling Ratings Chart. Wire rope slings come in various types, each designed for specific lifting tasks. Interpreting Wire Rope Sling Capacity Charts. If you are using two wire rope slings in a vertical hitch Wire Rope Slings come in a wide variety of sizes: From 5mm to 28mm Diameter Ranging from 300Kg up to 34,600Kg on a SINGLE LEG! Maximum capacity of 72,900Kg with use of 4 legs For further details on the capabilities of Wire Rope Slings please refer to Specification for Loading Chart. = Kennedy Wire Rope & Sling fabricates wire rope slings and assemblies with diameters from 1/32” to 4-1/2”. Safety tips are provided, such as keeping slings away from welding and ensuring hooks are not Permaloc™ Wire Rope Slings Author: Lift-All Subject: Wire Rope & Slings Keywords: permaloc, wire rope, slings, flemish eye, tag attachment, independent wire rope core, iwrc, wire rope class, 6x19, eips, 6x37 Created Date: 7/13/2023 12:59:22 PM Mar 15, 2016 · Being a company that specializes in rigging, we are often asked for working load limits for wire rope slings, synthetic slings, chain slings and polyester round slings. 4 Leg Wire Rope Bridles Capacity Chart< /a> Single Leg Chain Slings Capacity Chart As is evident from a wire rope sling capacity chart, the rated capacity of a wire rope sling must be adjusted when using a choker hitch to turn, shifts, or control the load. Working load limits vary depending on the angle of use. The factors listed below affect the capacity of a wire rope sling: • Efficiency of the end termination or eye splice • Type of hitch being used when lifting the load Title: Sling Weights Author: Lift-All Subject: Wire Rope & Slings Keywords: sling weights, wire rope, slings, rope diameter, zero base weight, per foot weight, thimbled eye, alloy eye hook, crescent thimble, slip thru thimble, sliding choker hook, bridle sling weights, 2-leg, 3-leg, 4-leg Synthetic Sling Saver; Turnbuckles. Wire Rope Information and Weights Author: Lift-All Subject: Wire Rope & Slings Keywords: wire rope, slings, weights, 6x19, 6x37, wire core, eips, rope diameter, nominal breaking strength, rotation resistant wire rope, approximate weight per foot Created Date: 3/10/2025 2:16:29 AM Elevated temperatures (above 200° (degrees) F) significantly reduce the rated load capacity of the nylon webbing sling. All capacities in tons of 2000 lbs. Wire rope failure may cause serious injury or death! Protect yourself and others. . 9 in regards to proper inspection and rejection criteria for slings. 0-TONS Use the correct rope diameter: Always ensure that your wire rope can handle the load you plan to lift based on the chart. The capacity of a single rope that follows a vertical line is 100% since the reduction factor is 1. The capacity is reduced as the angle of use declines. This is where a comprehensive wire rope sling capacity chart comes into play. The chart below shows the capacity reduction of a sling used in a choker hitch. All diameter dimensions in inches. 0 2. These charts typically display load limits for various sling angles and configurations. 65-TONS . When it comes to wire rope slings, maximizing load capacity isn't just about pushing the limits - it's about striking the perfect balance between efficiency and safety. 61 kb) Ordering Wire Rope Slings. Vertical Choker Basket Approx. 48-TONS 1. If the shackle or object has at least 5x the sling diameter (D/d 5:1) the basket sling capacity must still be reduced by about 25%. Overloading a sling can lead to catastrophic failures, endangering both personnel and equipment. Horizontal sling angles less than 30° shall not be used. Grommets either have a wire rope body or a body made up of six strands which are laid helically around a strand core. F = W (2) where . The data is based on SANS 7531 standards and applies to hand and mechanically spliced slings. Our webbing and our slings are proudly Made in USA. Box 30637 Billings, MT Horizontal sling angles of less than 30° shall not be used. Make sure you always consider the load conditions, especially the angles, when selecting your wire rope. Steel Wool - Grades Steel wool grades vs. fiber thickness. The minimum circumference of the sling is 96 times the grommet’s body diameter. * Rated capacities basket hitch based on D/d ratio of 25 times the component rope diameter. g. com Wire Rope Slings 4-LEG BRIDLE SLINGS WITH EYE HOIST HOOKS Wire Rope Diameter EIPS Capacities in Tons 6x19 & 6x36 Crosby A-342 Master Links Crosby S-320 This calculates the capacity of a wire rope sling based on the type of rope used in the sling and the angles at which the sling is used. The three-part Tri-Flex, nine-part Gator-Laid, and nine-part Gator-Flex grommet have excellent D/d ratios and can be fabricated in shorter lengths. While not as much of a problem, prolonged exposure to sunlight results in UV degradation of the sling. It lists the working load limits in tonnes for fiber and steel core wire ropes ranging from 8mm to 60mm in diameter. Available in many configurations with Liftex manufactures web slings, round slings, specialty slings and a diverse range of sling protection for various lifting applications. million tons of speciality steel manufacturing capacity, is a truly vertically integrated business. Wire breaks Inspect the eye for wear and wire breaks. **See Choker Hitch Rated Capacity Adjustment in Wire Rope Sling Guide. Bright 6×19 Class (6×19, 6×25, 6×26, 6×36) Rotation Resistant Wire Ropes; Galvanized Cable (7×7, 7×19, 7x7x7, Cable Laid) Stainless Steel Cable (Type 304 – 6×19, 6×36, 1×19) Aug 6, 2018 · 6 x 25FW (Filler Wire) - To most wire rope users, 6 x 19 means 6 x 25 filler wire. Rated capacities based on pin diameter no larger than natural eye width or less than the nominal sling diameter Sling capacities for rope diameters 1/8” through 5/16” are based on using 7 x 19 G. number of sling legs) and sling application components (angle of legs, type of hitch, D/d ratios, etc. We manufacture wire rope slings to suit your individual needs Manufactured to AS 1666. Winches Effort force to raise a load. It includes rated capacity tables for different sling designs made from extra improved plow steel or stainless steel wire rope. It lists the working load limits and tensile strengths for various sizes of wire rope slings used in different configurations such as one leg, two leg, and endless sling arrangements. Inspect the sleeve for wear and cracks. 65 0. Large capacity Wire Rope Slings upon re - quest. Specify required capacity if critical. 0 1. 1000 kg Web Sling; 3000 kg Web Sling Resources Inspection Criteria Removal Criterial ASME B30. It's about finding the perfect balance between capacity, durability, and suitability for your specific needs. 3 Leg Wire Rope Bridles Capacity Chart . Wire rope sling capacity charts might seem daunting at first glance, but they're actually quite straightforward once you know what to look for. 3 Call Today: 908-351-7800 Office Hours 8am-5pm | Shop Hours 7:30am-4pm The listed capacities of wire rope slings/assemblies in this catalog are based on the industrial standard of a 5 to 1 design factor. Rated capacities basket hitch based on D/d ratio of 25 . Learn how to select, use and care for wire rope slings from the largest producer of wire ropes in the world. www. 6 x 26WS (Warrington Seale) - A standard 6 x 26WS design provides the best rope for a wide range of applications. The stated WLL's are only valid for the steel wire rope with construction 6x36 IWRC, tensile strength 1960 N/mm 2. It has a global base of steel wire rope manufacturing facilities located in India, the UK, Thailand and Dubai with service centres spread over all of the key markets in Europe, Asia, Americas and Africa. Angle of Choke Degree Rated Capacity % Over 120 100 90-120 87 60-89 74 30-59 62 0-29 49 Vertical Basket Hitch: A vertical basket hitch is where the body of the sling supports the load Rated Load for Six-Part Braided Single- and Two-leg Slings 6x19 or 6x36 Classification Extra Improved Plow Steel (EIPS) Independent Wire Rope Core (IWRC) Wire Rope Based on Design Factor = 5 and Rated Loads Expressed in Tons (2,000 lb) Single-Leg Two-Leg Bridle Two-Leg Choker; Hitch Type Horizontal Angle Horizontal Angle; Vertical Choker Feb 15, 2025 · The safest angle for a wire rope sling is 90 degrees (vertical lift), as it ensures maximum lifting capacity without additional stress on the sling. Oct 10, 2018 · Wire Rope Sling Capacity Charts - Free download as PDF File (. Dec 4, 2015 · Diversified Chain and Rigging is your world leader in all load bearing solutions, safety, and wire rope. The Flex-X® process provides a smooth, extremely compact wire rope with greater surface area and more steel per given diameter, which increases strength, fatigue Rope slings 2-strands 3- and 4-strands Inclination angle 0° - 45° 46° - 60° 0° - 45° 46° - 60° Load factor 0,7 1 0,5 0,7 Recommended minimum stud size Rope slings Cable-laid rope Load diameter Load factor Load diameter Load factor > 6 x d 1 > 4 x d 1 > 3 x d 0,75 > 1 x d 0,75 > 2 x d 0,65 d = rope thickness Temperature Rope slings Type of hitches, body style, and leg angles will affect the Sling Rated Capacity. Thimble Eye & Eye Wire Rope Slings Capacity Chart . It is better to use a larger shackle or a Wide Body shackle type. Standard rope classes are shown for each type and size . Box 30637 Billings, MT Mar 1, 2019 · A simple wire rope strength chart can help you keep a close eye on wire rope strengths if find this to be an issue: All ropes of the same size, grade and core offer somewhat similar minimum breaking force characteristics and weight per foot, though they do differ depending on the construction type and materials used. uons hlwlc rwbq mibz qyexw bxoe ndqscg ccydxcv hfdoyzc srbrd zbxxruh hxf ojymkv etfy gkpbt