Robeson county traffic court. Robeson County court record and case directory.
Robeson county traffic court Feb 3, 2025 · Find Robeson County administrative schedules and calendars. 0 & above 3. eCourts Portal. To be fair, while the court costs and fines involved for your speeding ticket are expensive (ranging between $188 and $238 on average - $188 court costs plus $30–50 Jan 2, 2019 · LUMBERTON — Angelica Chavis McIntyre, sworn in Tuesday as a District Court judge, joins a wave of new, youthful leadership in Robeson County. , Lumberton, NC 28358 Phone (910)671-3040 Free Search Jail and Inmate Records Choose the state where you're looking for a traffic court. 8% from the 2000 census. If eligible: Find out more about paying court fees, fines and traffic citation in Robeson County. Testimonials. com Traffic School Online and Defensive Driving Online. Choose the state where you're looking for a traffic court. 3 miles A voluntary alternative program for young offenders in Lumberton, North Carolina, focusing on non-violent offenses and utilizing community service as restitution. Jan 16, 2025 · ROBESON COUNTY, N. Search North Carolina Superior and District Court past and future criminal court appearance dates by citation number or defendant name, county, and court type. Length of Service. Robeson County Traffic Court. Robeson County Juvenile Court 800 North Walnut Street, Lumberton, NC. 00-210. LUMBERTON — Robeson County saw a drop in traffic fatalities in 2024 for the third year in a row, according to the N. If your state is not here, we're working on it. The Lumberton Clerk of Court is the official record keeper of all court records and court-related documents filed within their jurisdiction. Friday swearing-in ceremony of Robeson County District Court Judge Diane Jul 20, 2015 · The people of Robeson County have not had a choice since 1998 in the Robeson County clerk of court’s office because this was the last time a seated clerk of court had an opponent on the ballot Office Type Image Office Address Contact Information; permits inspections: Robeson County Tax Assessor. jones@robesoncountync. Welcome to the GoToTrafficSchool. 500 North Elm Street Room 101 Lumberton, NC 28359 Phone: (910) 671-3000. Find Judicial Branch Job Openings. Includes free public records of civil court records, criminal court records, traffic court records. Recent Provider Listings. Lawyers who verify themselves are able to claim their profiles and provide additional information. Search results include arraigned offenses. 45 of the 50 states in the US are part of a reciprocal agreement, called the Drivers License Compact (), that allows them to share speeding ticket or traffic citation information with each other. For further media inquiries and information, please contact . Website Traffic. _____ CIRCUIT COURT CLERK 501 S. Speeding Ticket Lawyers in Lumberton and Surrounding Towns in Robeson County, North Carolina. Last month, the N. 00. m. com Court Directory. Mark D. We believe you deserve a convenient and pain-free legal process. Robeson County Court 500 North Elm Street, Lumberton, NC. Further, the Court stated the official duties of law enforcement officers include: “investigative work -7- LASSITER V. The Available Option(s) page displays all the Online Service options the citation is eligible for. The oath of office will be administered to Diane Dec 22, 2022 · These files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Find your local GAL program. Robeson County District Court 500 North Elm Street Room 101 P. I understand and agree that by paying online, once I select "Make Payment" later in the process, I will have pled guilty/responsible and have paid any applicable fine and cost, my case will be disposed, a judgment of guilty/responsible will have been entered, and the case will be removed from the calendar for the court date Mar 12, 2024 · The state Supreme Court issued a temporary stay Monday in a case involving legal liability for a Robeson County deputy sheriff’s injuries during traffic work. E. Formed January 1, 1787 (51st county) Robeson County (116,516), Lumberton (19,036) The Modern Greek Revival 1908 stone and concrete courthouse was completely remodeled 1974 to give the current appearance. Feb 3, 2025 · Find information about jury service in this county. The ruling handed down Dec. Court Process. 4 county closings or advisories currently reported or scheduled Robeson County Ticket and Traffic School Information Traffic Violations In the United States, the handling of traffic violations and the issuance of tickets generally occur at the county level, where local law enforcement agencies monitor roadways and implement traffic laws specific to their jurisdictions. Rockingham County . iTicket. Robeson County Magistrates Court. Find online services for eCourts: citations, court dates, court records, eFiling, Guide & File, Portal, payments, request an interpreter, and more. Robeson County court record and case directory. 45 of the 50 US states are part of a reciprocal agreement, called the Drivers License Compact (DLC), which allows the member states to share For a free consultation with a Robeson County traffic violations lawyer, please call 910-719-9595 or contact us online. Our DWI Defense lawyers are here for you. Criminal Court Process for Robeson County North Carolina Robeson County North Carolina Criminal Court System – Definitions. Hire us online today, in minutes. com. 120 Glen Cowan Road Free Consultation - Call (910) 739-4357 - Bowen & Brooks, PLLC is dedicated to serving our clients with a range of legal services including Personal Injury and Criminal cases. Phone: (910) 671-3000 Feb 14, 2025 · There were 38% fewer deadly crashes in Robeson County last year, too. Apr 8, 2021 · LUMBERTON — Come Monday there will be a new person sitting on the bench as District Court judge in Judicial District 16B in Robeson County. Last Updated March, 2025. 🚗📄 Instructions for Requesting Speeding Reductions (April, 2020) 3 5. If you do not find your citation, it is possible that your citation was issued in one of the counties that use eCourts services. 23% of water. 550 North Chestnut Street Lumberton, NC 28358. Defendant Robeson County Sheriff's Office 1 and Synergy Coverage Solutions (collectively, “RCSO”) appeal from an opinion and award of the Full Commission of the North Carolina Industrial Commission awarding Plaintiff, Stephen Matthew Lassiter, ongoing medical expenses, to be paid solely by RCSO; and dismissing Defendant-Appellees, Truesdell Corporation and The Phoenix Insurance Company Annoying and expensive, traffic tickets produce tremendous revenue for the North Carolina and for Lumberton and Robeson County. BIGGS,GAYLA,G BARTON,ELISHA,OBRIAN POSSESS HANDGUN BY MINOR 24CRS000170 TAT 4 24. Clark’s hard work is credited with her being given the opportunity to serve on Gov. Comprehensive lawyer profiles including fees, education, jurisdictions, awards, publications and social media. Board of Transportation, formed the Robeson County Vision Zero task force in 2018 to help improve highway safety and driver behavior; the long-term goal is to have no traffic deaths, because they are largely preventable. She also takes the court-appointed cases of defendants in Columbus County who are unable to afford an attorney. Compare 99 attorneys in Robeson County, North Carolina on Justia. I live in Meck county and my driver's license has been issued here. Court costs for an IE reduction in Robeson County are slightly higher than other possible outcomes due to additional fees/fines assessed by the NC General Assembly and/or District Attorney's office because of the very beneficial nature of this outcome. Click here to hire a traffic attorney Have you received a citation for Driving While Impaired (DWI) in Robeson County, North Carolina? The next few weeks and months are going to be difficult to navigate alone. Payment online. It might be helpful to define some words that will be used on this site, when explaining the North Carolina Court System and how it works. For high level criminal matters, or a more detailed outline of what cases may cost more than $99, please visit our FAQ's page. bowen,woodberry hunt Citation Tickets Court Collections Guide & File Portal (Court Records / Payments) eFiling eCourts eFiling (File & Serve) Appellate Courts Business Court Legacy Civil eFiling Robeson County Court Costs & Fines When considering how to handle a ticket, you may find it compelling to look at the amount listed as due on the ticket as the only cost involved. 0 & above Robeson County is the largest county in the state of North Carolina by land area, having 949 sq mi (2,458 km ) in total, & 2 sq mi (5 km ), 0. However, jurors may be put on telephone standby for any time that week when they are not required to be present in the courthouse. ) Speeding & Traffic Ticket Dismissal | Insurance Discount Course Robeson County North Carolina (N. Contact information for the Clerk of Court, Superior Court Judges, District Court Judges, and District Attorney in Robeson County, North Carolina. ADA Setting 2 23. To see a court date – go online at Robertson County - Online Court Records (tncrtinfo. Robeson County. O. Apr 9, 2021 · Robeson County Resident Superior Court Judge Tiffany Peguise-Powers, left, administers the oath of office during a 10 a. com satisfies the court Bladen County, NC Columbus County, NC Cumberland County, NC Hoke County, NC Scotland County, NC Dillon County, SC Horry County, SC Marlboro County, SC Robeson County Population Records Total Land Area (2000) : 948. View criminal court calendars. Court of Appeals Calendar of Oral Arguments Feb 3, 2025 · Superior Court Judges (910) 272-5916 District Court Judges (910) 272-5912 District Attorney (910) 272-5910 Guardian ad Litem (910) 272-6093 Court-Ordered Arbitration (Superior Court) (910) 272-5927 Court-Ordered Arbitration (District Court) (910) 272-5940 Child Custody Mediation (910) 272-5914 Family Drug Treatment Court (910) 272-5105 Magistrates Robeson County District Court in Robeson County, North Carolina Court Online Resources. If you have received a ticket or been cited for a traffic violation in North Carolina, we can represent you. DO YOUR CAREER JUSTICE! Each and every day, North Carolina's courts help provide safety for our communities, prosperity for our economy, and protection for the rights, liberties, and freedoms that sit at the foundation of our state and federal constitutions. Bladen District Court Courthouse Drive, Elizabethtown, NC - 22. I'm on a student visa Dec 31, 2024 · RALEIGH — Gov. These penalties can include the suspension of your license, increased insurance costs, and fines. Columbus County Alternate Court West Smith Street, Whiteville, NC - 26. to 4:30 p. Law Firms Lawyers 12 results Reviews . Robeson isn’t the only place to consider a pause on solar farms. ROBESON CNTY. 7 miles. North Carolina Website 910-272-5919. I have read, understand, and agree to the Consent to Entry of Judgment. Pauls just after midnight on March 28, 2019, when he was hit by a pick-up truck. Find out more information about the Robeson County Courthouse. Feb 3, 2025 · Pay in person at the Cashier's Office in the Robeson County Courthouse. Access flood zone and city maps for detailed geospatial data 🌍🔍. Thousands are happy and satisfied with the outcome of their traffic citation because of iTicket. Jan 9, 2025 · For counties that have not implemented Enterprise Justice (Odyssey), legacy systems will remain available and updated, with one exception: for a judgment transcribed from an Enterprise Justice (Odyssey) county to a non-Enterprise Justice (Odyssey) county, both VCAP (in the receiving, non-Enterprise Justice (Odyssey) county) and Enterprise Sep 11, 2020 · Request For Relief From Fines, Fees And Other Monetary Obligations, And Order On Request Aug 26, 2024 · The North Carolina Supreme Court has agreed to take a case involving legal liability for a Robeson County deputy sheriff’s injuries during traffic work. NCAOC will transition from legacy online services to the new eCourts services. Listing of all trial courts in Robeson County. The Hatley Law Office will fight for you, so you can relax. Lastly, court costs and fines for a PJC can range from $190. Robeson County Prosecutorial District 20 (910) 272-5910 (910) 272-5911. I have a speeding ticket (driving 87mph on 70mph) in Lumberton (Robeson County), NC. ; In Person: Upon the completion of the case, the bondsman must visit the 2nd floor of the State Court of Cobb County Clerk’s Office and bring the following information: pink bond receipt, case number and photo identification. It was enlarged in 2005. Investigators located multiple recorded jail phone calls made in November and December of 2020 where Graham gave directions to another co-conspirator about the prices and quantities of drugs being sold. Feb 3, 2025 · Find out more information about the Robeson County Courthouse. By on or about the date of July 21 202, Brent Deward Adkins (Red Springs Police Chief) threatened to expose audio/video of a traffic stop showing then Sgt. Robeson County Juvenile Court North Walnut Street, Lumberton, NC - 0. Answer online questions, working much like popular tax preparation software, to prepare the case filing and file with the clerk's office. Bladen County Find Robeson County court case information online. The department offers an online service where you can check if there's an active arrest warrant for a person in Robeson County. Data provided on Robeson County’s Speeding & Traffic Ticket lawyers has been sourced from the lawyers themselves as well as publicly available directories such as the State Bar of North Carolina. Victims Rights. If you received a citation for speeding or other traffic tickets, call a skilled Lumberton, NC area Attorney. Discover Robeson County, NC GIS maps including tax, property, and environmental maps. , Rm 109 Courthouse Springfield, TN 37172 Jan 14, 2025 · In a split decision, the N. Any Client Rating 5. driving records, traffic court procedure, missed court dates, continuances Discover Robeson County, NC court records effortlessly. Learn what to do if you've just gotten a traffic ticket. Juvenile Court Facility. ” Others are expected to follow. Post navigation. 2023, data from the North Carolina Judicial Branch shows. A comprehensive and readily available database regarding the Lumberton court clerk provides important court-related data. gov Phone: 910-316-5696 Lookup Robeson county court records in NC with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. eCourts Counties Only: Search Portal for court dates by name, citation number, county, and more. county of robeson, nc makes no warranties or guarantees, either expressed or implied as to the completeness, accuracy, or correctness of the data portrayed in this product nor accepts any liability, arising from any incorrect, incomplete or misleading information contained therein. (Photo by Ben Rappaport) Plans for more solar farms. If you are having trouble accessing these files, you may request an accessible format. Sep 26, 2020 · Brooke Clark is the first American Indian woman to be appointed to Robeson County District Court. All free online searches can be found here. Robeson North Carolina Online Traffic School and Online Defensive Driving Online Classes - Select your court Feb 23, 2024 · North Carolina Courts. Access resources for court records requests, public court records searches, criminal and civil court records, and more. Contesting a Traffic Ticket Robeson County Courts. NC. Find 32 reviews, disciplinary sanctions, and peer endorsements. 500 N Elm St Lumberton NC 28358 (910)-671-3000: court records FREE detailed reports on 9 Speeding Ticket Attorneys in Lumberton, North Carolina. Below are the locations: Robeson County Courthouse. Wilkins said investigators are dedicated to finding the suspects of all cold cases. We are currently seeking volunteers to participate in Teen Court, held at the Robeson County Courthouse in Lumberton NC. At GoToTrafficSchool. Hire us to fight your ticket--online, in minutes. Court Reference shows where and how to find court cases in Robeson County. eCourts Counties Only: Find civil and criminal calendars by county and court type. Bladen County Court Courthouse Drive, Elizabethtown, NC - 22. I'm a first-time traffic violator. By North Carolina Judicial Branch August 5, 2024 , Press Release Robeson County North Carolina (N. Roy Cooper today commuted the sentence of a Robeson County man sentenced to death for first degree murder. Jan 14, 2025 · In a split decision, the N. 2d at 574. Find info, training, resources, and counties now live on February 3. 3 miles. North Carolina traffic attorneys: Starting at $99 per ticket. Apr 1, 2024 · robeson county superior court administrative calendar bowen,woodberry hunt,jaquan,kadeem conspire traffic opium/he 19crs056135 gfg 3 36. Obtain certified driving history reports, check record status, and pay traffic tickets online. com we want to make sure that you have all the information you need in order to complete your Robeson North Carolina Online Traffic School, Robeson North Carolina Online Defensive Driving, Robeson North Carolina Online Ticket Dismissal Get FREE ROBESON COUNTY COURT RECORDS directly from 12 North Carolina gov't offices & 9 official court records databases. Locklear is a traffic ticket lawyer in Lumberton or surrounding towns in Robeson County, North Carolina who may be able to assist you if you have received a traffic ticket. CST weekdays (except for holidays). Robeson County Clerk of Court 500 North Elm Street, Lumberton, NC Built in 1925, this courthouse in Lumberton, North Carolina, houses courtrooms, offices, and departments for the county's judicial system. If you’ve been issued a speeding ticket in Lumberton, North Carolina, you might be facing a range of penalties. Compare top North Carolina lawyers' fees, client reviews, lawyer rating, case results, education, awards, publications, social media and work history. Roy Cooper Jan 30, 2023 · A court clerk is authorized to grant a request to attend Traffic School when a defendant with a valid driver's license makes a request to attend an 8-hour Traffic Violator School as a pretrial diversion under VC 41501(b) and 42005 for any infraction under Divisions 11 and 12 (rules of the road and equipment violations) of the Vehicle Code, if Robeson County Court North Elm Street, Lumberton, NC - 0. Information about court services, courthouse locations, jury service, and contacts in Robeson County, North Carolina. SHERIFF’S DEP’T Opinion of the Court (including stakeouts), crowd or traffic control, and routine patrol by automobile. Experienced traffic ticket lawyers in Robeson County, NC. Find your Robeson county, NC Lawyer on Lawyer. (WPDE) — A Robeson County mother expressed heartbreak and frustration after learning the man charged with murdering her son was set free from jail on pre-trial release. We update you every step of the way about your case to give you peace of mind. Se habla español. Jan 3, 2023 · Before friends, family, colleagues and supporters at the Carolina Civic Center Historic Theater, Leah Britt Lanier was sworn in Monday to seat 1 on the Robeson County District Court 16B seat by Nov 29, 2023 · After Graham was arrested for the traffic stop, he continued to run fentanyl sales from the Robeson County Jail. Recommended Traffic Court Resource. Robeson District Court 800 North Walnut Street, Lumberton, NC A voluntary alternative program for young offenders in Lumberton, North Carolina, focusing on non-violent offenses and utilizing community service as North Carolina traffic attorneys: Starting at $99 per ticket. Emily L. Court of Appeals ruled against a video sweepstakes operator in Robeson County, saying the company’s games violated state gambling laws. Office Hours: 8:00 a. 🔍📝 Mar 23, 2005 · District Court. View civil court calendars. ” Id. Business Court Calendars. The courthouse is at 4th, Chestnut, 5th, and Elm streets. Columbus County Court Courthouse Square, Whiteville, NC Jan 17, 2020 · LUMBERTON —Three people were given a chance to avoid felony DWI charges and to get sober recently as the first to enter the county’s “sobriety court. ) Defensive Driving 4 - 8 Hour NCDOT Clinic Class Robeson County 4 Hour | 8 Hour Traffic Ticket Dismissal Traffic Safety School Course North Carolina (N. com) Cell phones/electronic devices & watches are not allowed in the courtrooms and courthouse. Feb 22, 2025 · "Under our system of justice, every person is presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law," the Robeson County Sheriff's Office said. It’s a great opportunity for those interested in law, criminal justice, or public service careers. Call or click today and see why we have over 11,000 5-star reviews on Google. Robeson District Court North Walnut Street, Lumberton, NC - 0. Robeson District Court 800 North Walnut Street, Lumberton, NC A voluntary alternative program for young offenders in Lumberton, North Carolina, focusing on non-violent offenses and utilizing community service as I have a court date on 1/10/23 for a driving while license Injury Law, Real Estate Law, Traffic Law driving while suspended in union county, nj. Robeson County is North Carolina’s 20th district. Guide & File is a free online service available to help self-represented litigants and attorneys to prepare court documents online to file for certain case types. law. Grady Hunt, who leads the Robeson County Vision Zero task force and is a member of the N. There was a total of 53 traffic deaths in the county for all of 2020. Court Terminology. Department of Choose the state where you're looking for a traffic court. The definitions on this site are for general information and not legal advice. Civil, criminal, and domestic cases are adjudicated at the superior and district court locations. “We were very, very limited in what we could do, what we could move and what cases we could dispose of,” Scott said, adding that Robeson County went from handling a few hundred court cases a day to a few If your Robeson County District Court North Carolina court did not specify a particular Robeson County District Court North Carolina defensive driving school to take, then you should check with the Robeson County District Court North Carolina court judge to find out if the online driver safety course at GoToTrafficSchool. Jury Service. Access detailed driving records in Robeson County, NC. Free consultations. "Bring some closure to these The cost to hire our Robeson County Traffic Attorney would be just $99 for most tickets. Administrative Order In Re: Amended Civil Court Procedures; Administrative Order In Re: Cell Phones And Other Personal Communication Devices In Courthouses ; Administrative Order In Re: Court Closures Necessary To Protect Public Health And Slow The Spread Of COVID-19 In The Robeson Cou If you have a traffic citation in Robeson County, North Carolina and don’t feel comfortable going to traffic court at 500 North Elm Street, Lumberton, NC 28359, please call us at (919) 200-0822. The LII Lawyer Directory contains lawyers who have claimed their profiles and are actively seeking clients. at 471, 421 S. The state Court of Appeals ruled in December that the sheriff’s office and a private state Department of Transportation contractor bore joint responsibility for the deputy’s injuries in 2019. Additionally, Tara runs her own criminal defense and serious personal injury practice in Whiteville with her father, where she handles all ranges of cases from minor misdemeanors to allegations of the most serious felonies. Jun 3, 2024 · ROBESON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT ADMINISTRATIVE CALENDAR JUNE 3RD, 2024 Defense Attorney Defendant Charges File No. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina but received a traffic citation while traveling through Robeson County, there is a possibility that it could affect your license in your home state. Jones, Public Information Officer. If the citation is eligible for requesting a dismissal, it will display the Request Feb 22, 2025 · A speed warning stands on East Fifth Street in Lumberton. Robeson County Register of Deeds Robeson County Courthouse, Room 102 500 North Elm St. Going to court? If you or somebody you know is about to go to court, we can help guide you through the process. Grady Hunt, who is the area representative on the N. org Robeson County sheriff’s deputy Stephen Matthew Lassiter was off duty but directing traffic at a construction site on Interstate 95 north of St. Find information, services, training, and resources related to eCourts. The state Court of Appeals ruled Jan 22, 2025 · Some environmental activists worry about the loss of farmland as Robeson County. With Interstate 95 running through Lumberton and Robeson County, thousand of tickets are written for travelers on the interstate and for local and our of town citizens traveling our roads. 31 dealt the latest blow to video sweepstakes in North Carolina, where state lawmakers have been Traffic Ticket Lawyers Serving Robeson County, NC (Serving Clients Throughout North Carolina) Relax, our traffic attorneys will fight for you. Robeson County Traffic Court Calendar Robeson County | North Carolina Judicial Branch Robeson County Courthouse | North Carolina Judicial Branch Robeson County Court Calendar - 2024 Printable Calendar - Free Download And Print Robeson County | North Carolina Judicial Branch Public Schools of Robeson County board approves 2021-22 academic calendar | WBTW The court schedule is updated every 10 Experienced Speeding Ticket and Traffic Violation Attorney For Robeson County, NC. Find more Robeson County Traffic Tickets Lawyers in the Justia Legal Services and Lawyers Directory which includes profiles of more than one million lawyers licensed to practice in the United States, in addition to profiles of legal aid, pro bono and legal service organizations. Court of Appeals upheld Pender County’s denial of a solar farm project?? that would have been the largest in the state Apr 5, 2005 · Sheriffs; Sextion 1983; qualified immunity. A trial juror's service is normally one week. Go to Services to find options available. Dec 22, 2023 · By Rachel Baldauf rachelbaldauf@borderbelt. Representing the People of Robeson and Surrounding Counties (910) 536-1249 If you are not licensed in North Carolina, but have received a traffic citation in Robeson County, there is a good chance this ticket could affect your license in your home state. Elizabeth P Locklear utilizing a Robeson County traffic updates reporting highway and road conditions with real-time interactive map including flow, delays, accidents, construction, closures, traffic jams and congestion, driving conditions, text alerts, gridlock, and live cameras for the Robeson County area including US 1 and the I-95 corridor. law- check out our reviews on Google for yourself and Find the best traffic tickets attorney serving Robeson County. Aug 23, 2024 · The North Carolina Supreme Court has agreed to take a case involving legal liability for a Robeson County deputy sheriff’s injuries during traffic work. eCourts is Now Live (Track 7) on February 3, 2025 eCourts Training Resources and Track 7 Transition Information Jan 2, 2025 · The North Carolina Court of Appeals split, 2-1, in ruling against a video sweepstakes operator challenging local and state law enforcement bans against its machines operating in Robeson County. Jury Service Lawsuits and Small Claims Traffic and Vehicles Wills and Estates Local Rules For Robeson County Changed From 16B To 20. You can do a warrant lookup by visiting the Robeson County Warrant Lookup page on the sheriff's office website. Bankruptcies. Court costs and fines for your Robeson County, NC speeding ticket can regularly range between $188 and $250 on average ($188 court costs plus $10–50 for the speeding fine itself), while expensive, it seems like a bargain to avoid court. Our lawyers serve in over 80 counties across North Carolina. 1 miles. 84 sq mi Find the best criminal attorney serving Robeson County. "Go ahead and admit what you've done, let's get it over with," Wilkins said. ) 4 Hour | 8 Hour… Welcome to GoToTrafficSchool. Records include Robeson County civil, criminal, family, probate & traffic court case records, calendars & dockets, driving records, parking & traffic ticket payments & more!. Robeson County District Court Online Defensive Driving Traffic School Find Robeson County Robeson County Superior Court records in for civil, family, criminal, traffic, & property case information today. As of 2010, the county had a population of 134,168; an increase of 8. Main St. I was asked to appear before the court in the first week of June. If you have any questions, please call our office at (770) 528-1241. C. eCourts Now Available in 62 Counties*. Box 1084 Lumberton, NC 28359 Phone: (910) Robeson County Traffic Court Calendar - The court schedule is updated every 10 minutes Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 00am and 7 00pm reflecting any scheduling changes If you keep Jan 9, 2025 · Iredell County Clerk of Superior Court James (Jim) Lee Mixson III was installed as the new president. If you think you've missed your court date, please call our Robeson County traffic attorney as soon as possible at 919-200-0822. Pitt County . also, my Where to find things on this site… Robeson County North Carolina Online Traffic School Defensive Driving Counties. Court officials had confirmed to ABC 15 that 20-year-old Chase Titus Locklear was released from jail in November on a $500,000, as part of pretrial release. 0 4. law is a 21st century law firm, built to revolutionize legal defense with exceptional service and convenience. And our court of the moment is Palm Beach County Courthouse . Get help now. 500 N Elm St, Lumberton, NC 28358. According to the North Carolina Driver’s Handbook, a driver who accumulates more than 12 points on their driver’s license in a 3 year period runs the risk of Robeson County, NC Traffic Violations Law Firms & Attorneys. Other Courts Nearby. Do not pay any speeding or traffic ticket without first consulting a traffic attorney. Interested in DUI/DWI fairness - see Fair DUI. Find more Robeson County Lawyers in the Justia Legal Services and Lawyers Directory which includes profiles of more than one million lawyers licensed to practice in the United States, in addition to profiles of legal aid, pro bono and legal service organizations. Business Ownership. Protect Your Driver’s License By Fighting The Ticket Or Violation. Find 83 reviews, disciplinary sanctions, and peer endorsements. Find the location and calendar for the Business Court. North Carolina State Highway 41 is three blocks south of the Cash bonds will only be refunded to the surety listed on the bond. Email: emily. eCourts is Now Live (Track 7) on February 3, 2025 eCourts Training Resources and Track 7 Transition Information Sep 11, 2023 · Columbus County saw the sharpest decline of over 36% from July 2021 to Jan. The court’s majority ruled that plaintiff No Limit Games’ machines were comparable to those North Carolina courts have determined to be illegal in Choose the state where you're looking for a traffic court. What state has the traffic court you seek? Feb 3, 2025 · Find out more information about the Robeson County Juvenile Court Facility. McIntyre, 28, may qualify as the youngest judge in Apr 22, 2022 · To understand the scale of missed court appearances and their impact on individuals and justice system resources, the North Carolina Court Appearance Project examined teams local data from courts and jails, reviewed existing research and data on court appearance nationally, and explored the growing body of evidenceinnovative and -based policy FREE detailed reports on 117 Attorneys in Robeson County, North Carolina. Free search of Robeson County, North Carolina court records. A month later, when Lassiter filed for workers’ compensation benefits, the Robeson County Sheriff’s Office and The Robeson County, NC courts will require you to request from the proper court your where the traffic ticket is issued to take an 8-Hour Traffic Safety Course (or a 4-Hour Traffic Safety Course) to get the ticket dismissed. Traffic laywers in Robeson county, North Carolina, with 5 local profiles. A crucial public service provided by the local sheriff's office is the Robeson County Warrant lookup. Traffic Violations. Looking for public records in Robeson County, NC? Quickly search government records from 66 official databases. Positions available: Oct 28, 2021 · That compares to 42 deaths for the same nine-month period last year. However, these costs are only the tip of the iceberg. If you were charged prior to December 1, 2020, then you will pay the old costs amount that appears on your citation unless you have failed to appear and more than 20 days have passed since that failure to appear. 0 & above 2. Find out more about paying court fees, fines and traffic citation in Robeson County. Even if you've somehow lost or misplaced your Robeson County speeding ticket or traffic citation, you can usually find your case details right on our website, iTicket. Robbie Locklear, 52, who was convicted in 1996 in Robeson Superior Court The information provided, after filling in the search bar below, contains complete information of their previous arrests, previous convictions and incarcerations, their date of birth, aliases, last known address and phone number, any relatives and close associates, traffic court records, court records, active arrest warrants and the warrant For these reasons, coupled with the fact that there are often other outcomes that are better than "burning" your Prayer for Judgement continued, it is very important that you speak with our Robeson County traffic lawyer. Feb 3, 2025 · Find out more about paying court fees, fines and traffic citation in Robeson County. Board of Transportation, addressed the newly released traffic data Thursday during a virtual meeting of the task force. wzsbl ukzdp uvuvp jrkpbnl znbdwe nuwrge tsmh ixior lylvkb mmz zyzd tnmke pawpk msq ukcgi