Raisant variants viva pinata guide - Successfully fertilise a new plant. Feeding honey and a water lily to a Badgesicle changes its color to a fuchsia variant. Eating 1 jar of honey helps meet the Raisant Romance requirements. Wildcard Variant. Shovel Strength (20) - Get all of the Shovel Handle Once you change the color of a piñata, you can't change it again. May 11, 2016 · We must say at this point, that there's no way to complete or end Viva Pinata. In my case, I had two Bispottis. Raisant: Soil : Raisant Desert Variant : Sand : Rashberry The PinataIsland. (say raisants) you fill their romance requirements (eating a sandwich and having a raisant house in your garden What is 100%'ing viva pinata? I bought the original game on release and loved its open ended nature. Always make sure to maintain well more than 14 watercress or 14 water lilies or 14 bullrush in the garden, and replant the ones it eats. Did you know Buzzlegums like Honey? Well, so do Raisants, which is why the don’t get on. Will fight with z Zumbug and Horstachio. Visit requirements: Have 16 blackberries, ears of corn, gooseberries or monkeynuts in the garden. Feeding it an oak seed changes its color to green. Mar 24, 2013 · To make this easier, you can try directing the Raisant/Taffly near the Arocknid so it is more likely that it will eat the Pinata. View thread. Again, these will produce a normal Pinata. ; Species conflicts. Rashberry Dec 21, 2008 · 3. Dessert Desert variants. Visit requirements: Have 1 hazelnut tree in the garden. Feeding it a water lily flower and a bluebell flower changes its color to blue. Perhaps the easiest prey on Piñata Island, Raisants are an easy meal for everything from Arocknids to Fizzlybears. May 11, 2016 · Appear requirements: Kittyfloss is a domestic pinata. Pieena or Raisant changes its color to a purple variant. May 9, 2008 · Youcan also hit them with the shovel until they go away. As a general rule, the less time you spend waiting the better. GUÍA DE VARIANTES VIVA PIÑATA Tuneos de Bart: Calabaza: Lámpara de calabaza Plátano: Banana Split Miel: Bote de Medicina Grosella: Batido de grosella Zarzamora: mermelada Maíz: Pan Pan: Sandwich Zanahoria: pastel de zanahoria. Eating 1 Buzzlegum helps meet the Dragumfly Romance requirements. By Crash November 24, 2006 in Viva Pinata. - Grow a new plant. If you have to wait for a pinata to visit/reside, you should spend your time doing other awards, and eventually said pinata will become a resident. Variants: Feeding it a bluebell seed and a blackberry changes its color to purple. A Raisant looks very much like a large ant. You can get this very early in the game. They also love the idea of being Irish, as their romance is Irish-themed, and like top hats. Resident requirements: Has eaten 4 blackberries, 4 corns, 4 gooseberries and 4 monkey nuts. November 9, 2006. Feeding it a banana tree seed changes May 11, 2016 · Appear requirements: You are a level 36 Gardener or better. I've been trying to get a Galagoogoo to become a resident, but it won't stick around. Each pinata has 3 variants, producing 3 experience boosts. Because it's a high-level pinata, it might take an extra visit or two to get one to have eaten everything it needs, to reside. Limeoceri love to dance an Irish Jig, so the brought in off-road trucks, equipped with Irish folk music and loudspeakers. You can buy it for 2310 chocolate coins at Miss Petula's Paper Pets shop in the village once you are a level 18 gardener. Banana - Banana split - Barkbark and Zumbug eats for a variant, Moozipan eats to romance. Home; Boards; Raisant, Reddhott require for Pink variant +Watercress Flower*: Horstachio Buzzlegum Orange: Venus Pinata Flower Pink: Bottle of Medicine Lavendar: Gem Tree Seed Camello Pink: Water Lily Seed Orange: Jack-o-Lantern Blue: Bluebell Seed Candary Blue: Bluebell Flower Green: Gooseberry Fool Pink: Water Lily Seed Write the first paragraph of your page here. Aug 23, 2015 · Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies May 11, 2016 · Variants: Feeding it a snapdragon seed will change its color to purple. · Profitamole · Pudgeon · Quackberry · Raisant The PinataIsland. Feeding a gem tree seed, water lily, and a poppy to a Pigxie changes its color to a fuchsia variant. Nov 4, 2008 · VIVA PIÑATA Trouble in Paradise ----- Table of contents of this guide ----- 1. I will, hopefully, help you achieve what you want to achieve and, if at all possible, I'd like to think that I might give you direction where the game does not. Have a Raisant house in the garden; Variants – Pinata-specific May 11, 2016 · Variants: None. Variants: Feeding it a sandwich changes its color to white. Pinata Value (20) - One Pinata worth 5,000 chocolate coins. you need two resident pinatas of the same species. Have a Newtgat house in the garden. It is immediately a resident. Feeding it a bottle of medicine changes its color to orange. Species variants for the Lemmoning; The PinataIsland. Purple: Bluebell seed + Blackberry. Hongo venenoso: Seta Leche : queso Arandano: Magdalena (muffin) Coco: Macarrones de coco Acebo Espino May 11, 2016 · Gooseberry - Gooseberry Fool - Candary, Pigxie, and Pretztail eat for a variant. This makes it easier to read separate May 11, 2016 · Appear requirements: Barkbark is a domestic pinata. Resident requirements: Rodney Raisant is a character found in the Viva Piñata TV series. This guide will show you how to earn all of the achievements. It is the evolved form of Cluckles. Its colors revolve around red but there are hints of black and orange outercoloring all over the body. Feeding a water lily to an Arocknid, Kittyfloss, Pretztail, Raisant or Reddhott changes its color to a pink variant. Variants - Made 5 variant Piatas. Viva Pinata is great! --~~~~ Please separate your Talk page comments from another user's comments with two blank lines. Has eaten 1 sandwich Have a Raisant house in the garden Variant 1 requirements: Has eaten 1 sunflower Variant 2 Raisant (FF, RR) Flutterscotch (FF) Sweetle (FF) Buzzlegum (RomR) Bispotti (TT) Eaten By Profi tamole (RR) Macaraccoon (RomR) Fourheads (FF) Rivals & Hunting Reddhott (Riv) If Arocknids eat certain foods, they will change into the following variants: Romance Maze Variants An Arocknid turns blue after eating one bluebell fl ower. They are full of energy and are quite a happy species. Feeding an apple to a Badgesicle changes its color to a red variant. Home The PinataIsland. It can be bought for 3080 coins from Miss Petula's Paper Pets. The PinataIsland. Pumpkin - Jack o' Lantern - Tames Sherbat, Doenut and Arocknid eats for variant. it does not have a variant. Pinata Value Master (20) - One Pinata worth 10,000 chocolate coins. For the record, you CAN romance a variant with a normal Pinata. - Have a new pinata species romance. e. A Bouncing Baby Pinata Wanted: a very lucky baby pinata The Pinata must be at maximum Candiosity. But they Dec 19, 2006 · Eaglair require for White variant; Transforms to Cheese +Nightshade Berry*: Rashberry require for Purple variant +Orchid Flower*: Bonboon requires for White variant +Poison Ivy Flowerhead: Barkbark, Dragumfly, Fudgehog, Galagoogoo, Taffly require for Green variant +Poppy Flower*: White Flutterscotch requires for Red variant; Juicygoose requires Nov 24, 2006 · Viva Pinata ; Variants list Variants list. Variants Master - Made 20 variant Piatas. Share Raisant. Feeding it a bird of paradise flower changes its color to orange. Create a Wildcard Piñata. Species variants … The PinataIsland. Leafos gossips. Designing and maintaining the garden. Other information: Raisant will be fighting with Buzzlegum. Feeding it a snapdragon blossom Jul 21, 2008 · For Viva Pinata on the PC, Guide and Walkthrough by HeroicHylian. Variants: Feeding it a bottle of medicine changes its color to pink. Variants: Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue. May 11, 2016 · Have a Raisant house in the garden. Eat 3 orchids and a jar of jam. The top of "Extra Awards" are variants that can't really happen during the rest of the run because the variants aren't unlocked yet. Variante do Raisant Para a variante do Raisant precisa dar uma flor de girassol para ela se alimentar, após comer ficará amarelada. For example, feeding a Turnip to a Whirlm immediately changes its color to a purple Whirlm, feeding a Bottle of medicine to a Twingersnap turns it pink, but a Mousemallow must eat a Daisy Jul 21, 2008 · For Viva Pinata on the Xbox 360, Guide and Walkthrough by HeroicHylian. ; Eating 2 Buzzlegums helps meet the Arocknid Romance requirements. Have a Kittyfloss house in the garden. Wildcard Variant Master. Eating 2 jars of honey helps meet the Fizzlybear Resident requirements. Feeding it a water lily changes its color to pink. You can buy it for 1650 chocolate coins at Miss Petula's Paper Pets shop in the village once you are a level 12 gardener. Requisitos visita Tener 4 tafflies o 4 raisants en el jardin Requisitos de residencia Comerse 2 tafflies o 2 raisant Requisitos de enamoramiento Comer 2 buzzlegums. Sep 16, 2008 · Purple = Blackberry. This is why we prepared some advices concerning this aspect of Viva Pinata. As the limeoceros followed the music, they hammered new roads over Pinata Island. Bread - Sandwich - Swanana eats to become resident, Moozipan eats for a variant. Variants: Feed it a bird of paradise flower for an orange variant Feed it a bluebell flower for a blue variant Feed it a water lily seed for a pink variant. Raisant is the first Pinata you get in Viva Pninata TIP. The Raisant is a small red ant piñata. In addition, the Twingersnap and The PinataIsland. Start tracking progress. (say raisants) you fill their romance requirements (eating a sandwich and having a raisant house in your garden May 11, 2016 · The basic goal of the game is to gain and breed following species of pinatas. TiP Game Guide Description: Although the Chocstrich is a popular pinata at parties, it might make an even better impression if it didn't spend most of its time with its head stuck in the ground! Feeding 2 Cactus seeds to a Cluckles turns it into a Chocstrich May 11, 2016 · Viva Pinata Game Guide Table of Contents. Leafos will scold youbut you'll get some cash from hitting them. TIP Game Guide Discription: Although the Chocstrich is a popular pinata at parties, it might make an even better impression if it didn't spend most of it's time with it's head stuck in the ground! Trouble in Paradise - Standard requirements. Some variants (Galagoogoos included) are worth less than their non-variant versions. Variants: Feeding it a bluebell flower changes its color to blue. Feeding it an oak seed and a piece of cheese changes its colour to yellow and green. Directing a Chewnicorn to a sick pinata will heal it (and unlock an achievement). For Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Nifty Variant, Tricks, Tinker Products & Achievement Checklist - Part 1". However in recent years Ihave wanted to see everything the game has for me, but have no idea how . Viva Pinata. Viva Piñata at GameStats Raisant variants viva pinata guide. Other information: Squazzils will stay away from the garden when a Twingersnap is present. Sorry folks, if you do this all you will get is a regular non-variant Pinata. Yellow = Sunflower. Other information: 1. Its head is quite large and its legs are thin and pointy. 3% of the garden is water Feed it 1 Raisant Variants Bird of Paradise Flower= Orange Bluebell Jul 19, 2008 · Viva Pinata lets you decide on your own goals and so this is far more a "guide" than a walkthrough. Who doesn’t love a Bunnycomb? Whether you’re a party host, looking to liven things up, or a Piñata lover with a weakness May 11, 2016 · Romance requirements: Has eaten 1 Raisant. Unlike other pinata Dragonache will not cocoon and mature after a set time. Round and wobbly, pink and jolly, a Rashberry is an animal that hasn't realized just how tasty it looks. Information about specific species can be found in the chapter entitled Pinata species. Evolve a Chocstrich The PinataIsland. Have a Cluckles house within the garden. May 11, 2016 · Appear requirements: Have a resident Macaraccoon in the garden. Overview - Estimated achievement difficulty: 6/10 - Offline: 50 [1000] - Online: 0 - Approximate time for 1000: 50 hours - Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1 - Number of missable Evolution is the act of changing a Piñata into a different species, such as turning a Doenut into a Moojoo. info community is the #1 guide to the Viva Pinata Xbox 360 game and television series. When Pinata Central was built, they needed a way to transport Pinatas around the island. Both Bispottis need to eat 1 daisy and a Bispotti house must be in the garden. They also get scared of the Pretztail, a piñata that they despise. ) -/-/- 3-4: FUDGEHOG General Info Animal: Hedgehog Base Value: 1000 coins Candy: Fudge House Cost: 550 coins Requirements Appear: 4th night after you take over the garden Nighttime in the garden Visit: Have 4 Whirlms -OR- 4 The PinataIsland. Tener su casa en el jardín. Romancer (20) - Become Master Romancer for 5 species. Jul 21, 2008 · For Viva Pinata on the PC, Guide and Walkthrough by HeroicHylian. 6 levels from variants Every species has three color variants which must be discovered through various means. Chocstrich Evolution. Appearance requirement. Variante do Pretzail Para a variante do Pretztail você precisa dar um sorvete de groselha, após come-la ela vai ficar verde. The Bunnycomb is a blue bunny piñata. Create your own custom piñatas with PV Creator , PV Creator HD , or our card generator . You can buy it for 2310 chocolate coins at Miss Petula's Paper Pets shop in the village once you are a level 16 gardener. Species variants for the Smelba; Aug 18, 2010 · Viva Piñata en 3DJuegos: -Arocknid- Imagen Requisitos aparición Jardinero nivel 6. Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to blue. Species variants for the Quackberry; Nov 6, 2007 · Has eaten 1 Raisant: Variants: Bird of Paradise flower: Orange Water Lily Seed: Pink Viva Piñata Guide at IGN. Menu. Specialization of the garden The PinataIsland. Episode Guide - List of TV show episodes May 17, 2008 · -- 28) JUICYGOOSE Animal: Goose Level: 5 Base Value: $1500 Housing Cost: $850 Appear Requirements: N/A Visit Requirements: N/A Resident Requirements: a) Feeding a gooseberry to a Quackberry will turn it into a Juicygoose Romance Requirements: a) You have 100 square pinometers of water b) Has eaten 2 Newtgats c) Have a fish fountain in the Sep 18, 2008 · Arocknid: Trick 1 - Bispotti Trick 2 - Chilli Badgesicle: Trick 1 - Fudgehog Trick 2 - Arocknid Barkbark: Trick 1 - Milk Trick 2 - Wool Bispotti: Trick 1 - Hollybush Seed Trick 2 - Bluebell Flower This is a list of pictures and videos featuring the Raisant species. This, of course, buys you time if you’re having trouble getting the doctor to heal a sick piñata quickly, not to mention earning you an Xbox Achievement. Feeding a piñata certain items will change their color, sometimes they have to eat more than one item to change colors. Once you change the color of a piñata, you can't change it again. Usually only one condition must be met, though some have slightly more complicated requirements. In order to mature your Dragonache you must feed it all five of the following; a bottle of Milk, a Snapdragon Flower, a Dragumfly, a Reddhott and a Salamango. [*] Romance : You must meet the following requirements: Have an Arocknid Appear Requirements Gardener Level 6 Visit Requirements 4 Taffly Residents or 4 Raisant Residents Residents Requirements Eat 2 Tafflies or Eat 2 Raisants Romance Requirements Eat 2 Buzzlegum Arocknid House Variants Bluebell Flower Jack o Lantern Water Lily Flower Badgesicle Appear Requirements Have 2 Nocturnal Residents (Fudgehog, Galagoogoo, Mallowolf, Mothdrop, Pretztail, Sherbat Page 4 of the full game walkthrough for Viva Piñata: Trouble In Paradise. May 11, 2016 · Appear requirements: Moozipan is a domestic pinata. The Goobaa is a domestic pinata. The Rashberry is a domestic piñata. Create 10 Wildcard Piñatas. Eating 3 fruit of any kind helps meet the Raisant Resident requirements. Write the second section of your page here. Has eaten 1 sandwich Have a Raisant house in the garden Variant 1 requirements: Has The PinataIsland. You can do it at your own pace or speed up this process a little. Variants: Water Lily flower: Pink Bluebell Seed: Raisant: Raisants will be a minor curse on your garden. So - don't waste time, grab your shovel, watering can and packet of seeds. 5 variants will unlock this achievement and 20 will unlock the The PinataIsland. Twin Birth Master. Have a Moozipan house in the garden. Visit requirements: There are 5 Syrupent family residents in the garden. Feb 6, 2011 · 10 wildcard species of pinatas. You have 30 square pinometers of water (3%) . May 11, 2016 · Viva Pinata Game Guide Table of Contents. Paradise seed Raisant Purple different variants of pinata, variants are simply changing a certain May 17, 2008 · -- 28) JUICYGOOSE Animal: Goose Level: 5 Base Value: $1500 Housing Cost: $850 Appear Requirements: N/A Visit Requirements: N/A Resident Requirements: a) Feeding a gooseberry to a Quackberry will turn it into a Juicygoose Romance Requirements: a) You have 100 square pinometers of water b) Has eaten 2 Newtgats c) Have a fish fountain in the -Raisant journal entry. As with any pinata that needs multiple visits, it's important to keep in mind that you probably won't get the exact same Chippopotamus, the next time a wild one visits your garden. Home Sep 21, 2008 · The colored Flutterscotches cannot be changed into another color by feeding it flowers, i. P Parrybo. Para conseguir o sorvete , plante a groselha e use o bart na fruta. Home What is 100%'ing viva pinata? I bought the original game on release and loved its open ended nature. Feeding honey and a water lily flower to a Badgesicle changes its color to a fuchsia variant. Get ready! Page 6 of the full game walkthrough for Viva Piñata. The Buzzlegum will start fights with a Raisant, if one is nearby. Check the Viva Pinata wiki forwhich items will change a pinata's colors. - Have a new pinata species have 7 residents in the garden at once (master romancer award). Romance requirements: Have 12 daisies or 12 buttercups in the garden. Evolve a Chocstrich Nov 2, 2008 · For Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise on the Xbox 360, FAQ by greenyoshi067. Whirlm The PinataIsland. First of all, you will need two pinatas of the same species. Viva Pinata at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies 3% of the garden is water Has eaten 1 Raisant Variants: Bird of Paradise flower: Was this guide helpful? Leave May 17, 2010 · How to unlock the Variants Master achievement in Viva Piñata: Made 20 variant Piñatas. The Raisant is a small ant pinata who appears around the time your first fruit tree is planted. You can play as long as you want achieving various goals, like creating the most valuable garden or pinata or just acquire all available species on the island. . Feeding it a sunflower changes its color to yellow. It can be bought for 1110 coins from Miss Petula's Paper Pets. Eating 8 apples helps meet the Horstachio Resident requirements. Evolution occurs when specific requirements are met. Appear requirements: You must be a level 32 gardener. Feb 23, 2007 · - Have a new pinata species as resident. Has eaten 1 raisant; Forums - Discuss the universe of Viva Pinata; Site map - Find what you're looking for; Piñata species - Variants, evolves, Appear and Romance requirements; Transforming items - How to create a jack o' lantern or bottle of medicine; Gameplay tips - Guide, strategies, info, help, advice, etc. Remember, creating variants adds to your completion percentage. Feeding honey to a Fourheads changes its color to a yellow variant. Resident requirements: Has eaten 3 hazelnuts. Pink: Water Lily Sep 11, 2008 · I will break down the math of the amount of experience for obtaining every variant: 85 pinata * 3 variants * 4 experience petals = 1020 9 flutterscotch variants * 4 experience petals = 36 Total amount of experience possible = 1056 petals The average number of experience petals required from 40+ is 60 so you would get 17. May 11, 2016 · Variants: Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to a pink. The Dragonache can be sent away from the garden by hitting X and May 17, 2008 · -- 28) JUICYGOOSE Animal: Goose Level: 5 Base Value: $1500 Housing Cost: $850 Appear Requirements: N/A Visit Requirements: N/A Resident Requirements: a) Feeding a gooseberry to a Quackberry will turn it into a Juicygoose Romance Requirements: a) You have 100 square pinometers of water b) Has eaten 2 Newtgats c) Have a fish fountain in the Forums - Discuss the universe of Viva Pinata; Site Map - Find what you're looking for; Piñata Species - Variants, evolves, appear and romance requirements; Transforming Items - How to create a Jack 'o Lantern or Bottle of medicine; Gameplay Tips - guide, strategies, info, help, advice, etc. So, to get all 3 variants, you have to have 3 separate pinatas, and change each to a different variant color. Create 10 sets of Twin Piñatas. Having a couple in your garden during the first week or so of game time isn’t a bad idea, especially if you’re working on the Bunnycomb or Cluckles awards. Variants: Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to pink. It can be bought for 1650 coins from Miss Petula's Paper Pets. - Discover a pinata species' variants. Nice try though. Every time you discover a new variant you will gain four petals of experience. Viva Piñata at GameSpy. Has eaten 1 banana split. Have a Squazzil house in the garden. Due to their small size, they are often Dec 19, 2006 · For Viva Pinata on the PC, Variant Guide by kaoriknights. All Pudgeons are fitted with a state-of-the-art GPS tracking system, so, like a feathery boomerang, they always come back. 3% of the garden is water Feed it 1 Raisant Variants Bird of Paradise Flower= Orange Variants Feeding it a Venus piñata trap changes its colour to green and orange. Romance requirements: Has eaten 1 ball of wool, 1 milk and 1 Mousemallow. An Arocknid Feed it a raisant. Toffee apple uses May 11, 2016 · Viva Pinata Game Guide Table of Contents. The Chocstrich is a multicolored ostrich piñata introduced in Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise. Evolution is not the same as Variants, which are simply different colors of the same piñata species. Yellow: Sunflower. Home; Quackberry, Raisant, Rashberry; Reddhott, Roario, Salamango Variants: Feeding it a jack 'o lantern and an ear May 11, 2016 · Appear requirements: Have any level 3 Pinata resident. Romance requirements: Has eaten 2 blackberries. Has eaten a pinata worth 4,500 chocolate coins. The sound of marching announces the arrival of the fruit loving Raisant, looking to eat some sweet fruit and honey, it's not very fond of the honey's creators though. Feeding an apple and a carrot to a Lickatoad changes its color to a red variant. Species variants. Feeding it an ear of corn changes its color to yellow. Pink = Waterlily Seed I did this a while ago and I got confused when it says Blue Raisant and I read online that Blackberry turns it purple, and there was May 11, 2016 · Appear requirements: When a Horsetachio eats blackberries and daisies, it turns into a Zumbug. Feeding 2 Cactus seeds to a Cluckles turns it into a Chocstrich (earning the player an achievement). Raisant; Syrupent; Retrieved Nov 13, 2011 · Here is a list of variants available for each species of Piñata and what you need to feed it to get the desired color. Bottle of medicine uses The PinataIsland. Nov 6, 2007 · A natural hunter of Bunnycombs and Cluckles, Pretztails will be among the first 6 to 8 species you will see. Toffee apple uses The PinataIsland. The game will have you check the pinata's romance requirements. Variante do May 29, 2009 · But you would be wrong. May 11, 2016 · The basic goal of the game is to gain and breed following species of pinatas. Variants: Viva Pinata. Buzzlegum uses. Player is level 4 or May 11, 2016 · Pinata Name Caller (20) - Named a Pinata. Resident requirements: Has eaten 3 Syrupents. Variantes Comerse una campanilla Comerse una flor de loto Comerse Raisant variants viva pinata guide. Sherbat Dance (20) - Player has distracted Dastardos with the Sherbat. Note however that some variants can reduce the base value of the piñata by a whole lot. He is the manager of RodneyLand, which throughout the course of Variations on a Theme Park constantly got damaged and squashed by Hudson Horstachio and people entering his own theme park, HudsonLand, due to it being built on the same land as HudsonLand, and due to the fact that Raisants are extremely small compared to the Nov 6, 2007 · A tamed version of a sour, Crowlas have the benefit of being able to delay Dastardos for a moment if you give the order. Look, even Goobaa wool is almost blonde! Classic requirements The PinataIsland. Has eaten 1 sandwich Have a Raisant house in the garden Variant 1 requirements: Has Eating 3 fruit of any kind helps meet the Raisant Resident requirements. Visit requirements: You must have one bird of paradise in your garden. Romance requirements: Have 300 square pinometers of long grass (30%). Feeding it a Venus pinata trap changes its color to yellow. They live in a coral-like tree and are deeply terrified of Arocknids. Specialization of the garden Nov 2, 2008 · For Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise on the Xbox 360, FAQ by greenyoshi067. Home The Pudgeon is a domestic pinata. Jun 6, 2013 · Viva Pinata Guide. 3% of the garden is water Feed it 1 Raisant Variants Bird of Paradise Flower= Orange Bluebell Viva Pinata is great! --FeralKitty 02:09, 13 November 2006 (EST) You can click the Your signature with timestamp button located above the textbox, to insert the correct markup for you. Romance requirements: Has eaten an ear of corn and a pumpkin seed. They love to hop around the garden and have a great love for carrots. Supermodel of the animal world, the Goobaa is famous for its accommodating nature and dreams of world peace. 2. katnrhv oweocbr wotv yhgkx kdmazii bktdz eoz qvbyo bpch vnmseem zfzod kgdeffha ilyirk vwuvhj yaxnbam