Global studies leipzig Methoden der Global Studies; In diesem Teil werden die Global Studies als plural- und teilweise post-disziplinär betrachtet und somit die Konsequenzen für die methodische Gestaltung der Forschung aufgezeigt. Mark Juergensmeyer of UCSB and Matthias Middell of the University of Leipzig talk about the founding of the Global Studies Consortium in 2007. Mit internationaler Studienkörperschaft, integriertem Auslandsaufenthalt und Fremdsprachigkeitsfähigkeit. de Dr. Recorded at the GSC meeting in Shanghai, June Overview. ) in Global Studies at leading universities across Europe. PhD Global Studies. 25+ million members; 160+ million publication Abstract. Jan 27, 2025 · Students will be part of the Graduate School of Global and Area Studies at Leipzig University as well as part of the Institute of Peace and Security Studies in Addis Ababa University. Die Graduate School zählt durchschnittlich 120 Mitglieder aus mehr als 40 Staaten. 1, Leipzig, Germany The Global and European Studies Institute (Leipzig) would like to invite you to a lecture on „India and Europe in a Changing World Context, Contestation, Cooperation“ by Prof. Jan 25, 2025 · The Erasmus Mundus Master in Global Studies (EMGS) scholarship 2025 offers full tuition coverage, a living allowance, and travel expenses to exceptional students pursuing a Master of Arts in Global Studies. Der Erasmus Mundus Masterstudiengang "Global Studies" (EMGS) wird von einem internationalen Konsortium aus fünf renommierten europäischen Universitäten und weiteren Partneruniversitäten in der ganzen Welt angeboten. The two-year Master’s course in “Global Studies – A European Perspective” is offered by five European universities, namely: Ghent University (Belgium), Leipzig University (Germany), University of Roskilde Instead, a Double Master in Global Studies and Economic History was launched in 2023 by the Global and European Studies Institute (GESI) of the Leipzig University and the Department of Economic History of the London School of Economics and Political Science. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Simone Kamhuber auf LinkedIn, einer professionellen Community mit mehr als 1 Milliarde Mitgliedern, an. Global Studies kann an der Universität Leipzig als Präsenzstudium in Voll- oder Teilzeit studiert werden. Juli 2012 Aufgrund des Gesetzes über die Hochschulen im Freistaat Sachsen (Sächsisches Hochschulgesetz – SächsHSG) vom 10. g. The Erasmus Mundus Master in “Global Studies” (EMGS) is offered by an international consortium of five high-profile European universities, together with partner universities all over the world. It provides excellent training for future careers both inside and outside academia, training experts who can analyze and navigate globalization Die Studienschwerpunkte des Global Studies Programms an der Universität Leipzig liegen auf den drei Säulen Globalgeschichte, International Studies und Regionalstudien. Damit entsteht ein innovativer und inspirierender Arbeitsraum für knapp 500 Wissenschaftler:innen der Universität Leipzig und ihre international anerkannte Spitzenforschung zu Globalisierungsprozessen. Apr 13, 2023 · 12/07/2022 . Ghent University (Belgium), Roskilde University (Denmark), University of Vienna (Austria), University of Wroclaw (Poland), Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), Dalhousie University (Canada), Fudan University (China), Jawaharlal Nehru University (India), Macquarie University (Australia), Otago University (New Studies. Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS), Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia) Teaching language. European Partner Universities. summa cum laude Global Studies, Leipzig University ; 10/2009 - 08/2011 M. „If you want to apply for the M. Dann suchen Sie bitte den Studiengang mit den folgenden Angaben: " WiSe, zulassungsbeschränkt, Eignungsprüfung erforderlich, Fachsemester *1*" und klicken Sie auf "Bewerben". This grant provides programming support for the XXth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, hosted at Leipzig University from August 10–15, 2025, with special focus on promoting sustainability and inclusion. Graduate Student B. , Critical Global Studies, Pitzer College global Thailand, global Asias, global cultural studies, film and media studies, queer cultural productions and popular culture, selfhood and identity, Buddhist metaphysics, phenomenology, new materialism; 517 Social Science Tower; kphikroh@uci. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium und Teilzeitstudium angeboten. Middell and Konstanze Klemm (eds. GLOBAL STUDIES IN LEIPZIG Helpful sources 10. de Global and European Institute i. Friedrich Schiller University Jena; Das wissenschaftliche Leitbild des Masterstudiengangs Global British Studies orientiert sich an dem neuen europäischen Konzept für Philologien, welches sich auf die drei Fachgebiete Literaturwissenschaft, Kulturstudien und Linguistik sowie deren enge interdisziplinäre Kooperation stützt. Patrick Donges • Seminar "Global History" (2 SWS) = 30 h Präsenzzeit und 70 h Selbststudium = 100 h • Übung "Introduction to Global History" (2 SWS) = 30 h Präsenzzeit und 70 h Selbststudium = 100 h Modulnummer 06-008-GS-0710 Modulform Pflicht Akademischer Grad Master of Arts Master of Arts Global Studies Modultitel (englisch) Global History 1. There are two options for participation: You may apply directly for this two-year Freelance journalist and Graduate in Global Studies · Berufserfahrung: Süddeutsche Zeitung · Ausbildung: Leipzig University · Standort: Leipzig · 385 Kontakte auf LinkedIn. Studierende studieren in Leipzig eng zusammen mit Studierenden unserer Masterprogramme in Global Studies und profiteiren von der Expertise von Wissenschaftler:innen von universitären und außeruniversitätren Forschungszentren: Research Centeer Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe) Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europas GWZO Dr. In case you would The double degree in Global Studies and Economic History combine studies at the University of Leipzig and the London School of Economics. The 2025 Erasmus Mundus Master in Global Studies (EMGS) scholarship offers a comprehensive financial package designed to support exceptional students pursuing a Master of Arts in Global Studies. In the degree program Global Studies - A European Perspective, students spend two semesters at a partner university from the consortium and receive a joint certificate of the consortium or a double degree with individual partners if the law does not allow a joint degree. Emil-Fuchs-Str. Blog; News; Call for application/ participation; About. In 2023 the London School of Economics and Political Science left the consortium and is now offering a Double Master in Global Studies and Economic History with Leipzig University. Ulf Engel 04105 Leipzig, Emil-Fuchs-Str. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. The European Master in Global Studies (EMGS) is offered by a transnational Consortium. Global Studies - with special Emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa Since October 2012 the Global and European Studies Institute (GESI) and the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) at Addis Ababa University jointly offer this interdisciplinary Master's programme. It provides excellent training for future careers both inside and outside academia, training experts who can analyze and navigate globalization Koordinatorin Leipzig. Profesional en Periodismo con énfasis específico en Estudios de Memoria y Conflicto. Erasmus Mundus: A Joint Programme Vanessa Golly, Leipzig Ausbildung, Kontaktdaten und weitere Infos: Erfahr mehr Global Studies. Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht über die Studieninhalte der Global Studies Module in Leipzig. During her PhD she worked as a research fellow in the research programme “Changing Stateness in Africa” which was part of the DFG-funded Priority Programme 1448 “Adaptation and Creativity in Africa” (2011-2016). EMGS Leipzig Global and European Studies Institute . Gemeinsam mit dem Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) an der Addis Ababa University (AAU) wird "Global Studies" mit einem Schwerpunkt "Peace and The Mission This international research-based master’s degree combines perspectives, methods, and theories developed in the fields of history, cultural and area studies, social sciences, and economics to investigate phenomena of global connectedness. Know How to get admission into Leipzig University MA in Global Studies program & Apply via Shiksha. Annotation. Global Studies (Master of Arts) in Leipzig Infos zu Bewerbung, Studiendauer und Jobaussichten! Universität Leipzig Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften und Philosophie Studienordnung für den Masterstudiengang Global Studies an der Universität Leipzig Vom 20. Susanne Kranz“ Programme Coordinator Dr. Du suchst nach passenden Studienorten, wo du Global Studies studieren kannst? Wir zeigen Dir alle Städte im praktischen Überblick. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften und Philosophie work Thema der Dissertation Student Internationalism and Political Transformations: Student Unions from Germany, the Soviet Union and India and their crossborder connections in the context of changing political orders (1919-1968) Global Studies kann in Berlin, Bielefeld, Karlsruhe, Kassel und Leipzig studiert werden. edu Global and European Studies Institute i. • Ulf Engel Feb 3, 2025 · The Erasmus Mundus Master in Global Studies at Universität Leipzig is a top-tier program that equips students with a deep understanding of global dynamics. In addition to contributing to the ongoing analytical and intellectual debate on globalisation, Global Studies lends practical relevance by offering a unique vantage point which helps in critically examining contemporary global challenges transcending national boundaries. Stefan TROEBST | Cited by 406 | of University of Leipzig, Leipzig | Read 90 publications | Contact Stefan TROEBST. kranz@uni-leipzig. Juni 2017 The academic concept of the MA in British Studies follows the structure of the new European approach to philology, which relies on the three individual subject areas of linguistics, literature and cultural studies, as well as on interdisciplinary cooperation between these fields. Title: Non-European Partner Universities Author: Stephan Kaschner Created Date: 12/7/2020 11:15:21 AM 3. Read more About the Graduate School Global and Area Studies; 04105 Leipzig. Das Studium "Global Studies" an der staatlichen "Uni Leipzig" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 4 bis 8 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Master of Arts". During their first year, students are trained in Leipzig and combine perspectives from history and international studies with training in critical methods in the social sciences and humanities and on different world regions (Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe and Middle East). courses in the field of History, Area Studies, Economics, Cultural Studies, Sociology, Political Science and Human Geography. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Simone Müller auf LinkedIn, einer professionellen Community mit mehr als 1 Milliarde Mitgliedern, an. D. Erasmus Mundus: A Joint Programme KGS is India's most trusted online education platform that provides affordable & comprehensive learning experience to students for various competitive exam. Here you can find an overview about the content of the different modules in Leipzig. work Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Beethovenstraße 15 04107 Leipzig. The PhD courses are taught completely in English. In der Studiengangsvariante Global Studies - A European Perspective verbringen Studierende zwei Fachsemester an einer Partnerhochschule aus dem Konsortium und erhalten ein gemeinsames Zeugnis des Konsortiums (joint degree) bzw. Global Studies André Castilho Pinto - Global Studies - Universität Leipzig | XING The Global and European Studies Institute at the (GESI) at Leipzig University (UL) is devoted to graduate teaching and research in the field of Globalisation and Europeanisation. 2017 - März 2021. Downloads . Global Studies · Berufserfahrung: Just Transition Center JTC · Ausbildung: Universiteit Gent · Standort: Leipzig · 266 Kontakte auf LinkedIn. Ein interdisziplinärer Masterstudiengang, der Globalisierung und ihre Folgen in Nord- und Süd erforscht. Send email Show profile Show profile. Global Studies Scholarship 2025 at Universität Leipzig Join Our Telegram Channel Join our Whatsapp Group The Erasmus Mundus Master in Global Studies (EMGS) scholarship 2025 provides full tuition protection, a residing allowance, and journey bills to distinctive college students pursuing a Master of Arts in Global Studies. : 0341 97 30232 M. The Graduate School has an average of 120 members from more than 40 countries. I'm a Senior Lecturer at Leipzig University’s Global & European Studies Institute , and a Senior Researcher at the Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe), researching and teaching the History of International law, Migration Studies, and Jewish-Muslim relations. Top co-authors. International students from outside of Ethiopia have to get their Master certificate certified by their Ministry of Foreign Affairs before they come to study. Über die Graduate School Global and Area Studies zu „Graduate School” Die Graduate School baut bei der strukturierten Ausbildung von Promovierenden auf eine zwanzigjährige Tradition des Zusammenwirkens von Raum- und Geschichts-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften auf. Prüfungsordnung für den Masterstudiengang Global Studies an der Universität Leipzig erlassen. University of Leipzig · Global and European Studies Institute. Global International Relations (IR) and Regional Worlds. Please bear in mind, that students study in Leipzig either in the first or the second year of the joint programme. 064 Studienprofile Der Global Hub ist ein neues Forschungsgebäude, das bis zum Jahr 2026 im Herzen Leipzigs errichtet werden soll. Please note that the application for the EMGS programme is not possible via uni-assist, but only via the application tool of the of Leipzig University . The professorship should build a bridge from the research networks of the Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics to the life, environmental and climate sciences. 09 04105 Leipzig. EMGS is a two-year international, and interdisciplinary programme organised jointly by 5 European partners, the University of Leipzig (coordinating university, Germany), Ghent University (Belgium), Roskilde University (Denmark), the University of Vienna (Austria), the Jan 21, 2025 · Leipzig University MA in Global Studies course fees, scholarships, eligibility, application, ranking and more. Telefon: work +49 341 97 - 31200. Students studying the two-years Master’s course may choose to study for one of the two years in Leipzig. : 0341 97 30230 Hours: on appointment, E-Mail: uengel@uni-leipzig. 1 Tel. Dr. Dec 20, 2024 · Bewerbungen für die MA-Studiengänge können online per E-mail eingereicht werden. A. GESI - PhD Programme Global and Area Studies: Peace and Security in Africa Since October 2012, and in close cooperation, the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) at Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia) and the University of Leipzig offer a three-year interdisciplinary doctoral training programme in the Global Studies. Das Programm wurde gemeinsam von den Honorarprofessorin für Global Studies/ Leiterin der Abteilung Theorie, Methodik und Geschichte der Geographie und des Forschungsbereichs Historische Geographien am IfL work Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde The Erasmus Mundus Master in “Global Studies” (EMGS) is offered by an international consortium of five high-profile European universities, together with partner universities all over the world. 3 Jahre und 6 Monate, Okt. Erasmus Mundus Global Studies - Leipzig 2013 - 2014 Das erste Jahr des Programms findet in Leipzig (Deutschland) statt. Juli 2012 (Amtliche Bekanntmachungen der Univer-sität Leipzig Nr. Cultural Studies, Area Studies, Social Sciences and other disciplines contribute to a wide-ranging academic programme. This Master's programme combines Global Studies and Economic History. Global and Area Studies at Leipzig University is a collaborative research centre that examines modern history up to the present day, with a focus on the role of new spatializations in shaping social interactions and social change. The Global British Studies MA is a consecutive degree which builds upon the corresponding bachelor’s degree (or Jan 14, 2025 · Erasmus Global Studies Program Structure. 25+ million members; 160+ million publication Jul 2, 2021 · Responsibilities include participation in the MA Global Studies and the BA/MA Cultural Studies as well as doctoral training in the Graduate School Global and Area Studies. Mar 31, 2023 · The Master's course combines approaches from Global History and International Studies. • Ulf Engel 2019. Feb 15, 2025 · Seit 2012 bieten das Global and European Studies Institute (GESI) der Universität Leipzig und das Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) der Universität Addis Abeba ein gemeinsames MA- und PhD-Programm in "Global Studies with a Special Emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa" (GSPSA) an. Patrick Donges The application will be online via the AlmaWeb portal of Leipzig University (Please select „Global Studies, Master, 1st semester“). Phil. Jan 26, 2025 · The Erasmus Mundus Master in Global Studies (EMGS) Scholarship 2025 is an incredible opportunity for exceptional students worldwide. The Graduate School builds on a twenty-year tradition of interaction between spatial and historical, social and cultural sciences in the structured training of doctoral students. Imprint: Global and European Studies Institute Emil-Fuchs-Str. The application will be online and managed through the AlmaWeb portal of Leipzig University (starts The double degree in Global Studies and Economic History combine studies at the University of Leipzig and the London School of Economics. Öffnen Sie im Menü "Bewerbung", dann "Studiengänge suchen" und wählen Sie unter “Fach Global Studies” aus, dann klicken Sie auf "Suchen". In M. Funded by the European Union and offered by a consortium of leading universities, this program allows students to study globalization across various disciplines at … Where to Apply The application for the EMGS programme is to be addressed only to the Global and European Studies Institute of Leipzig University (regardless of your preferred mobility track). It is co-ordinated by the Global and European Studies Institute of the University of Leipzig. Page · Education website. This Master's programme draws on more than two decades of joint experience in training Master's students between the two institutions. Artikel 1 . Funded by the European Union and supplied […] Global Studies at Leipzig University in based on three pillars: Global History, International Studies and Area Studies. mit einzelnen Partnern einen double degree, wenn die Gesetzeslage keinen joint degree erlaubt. Phone: work +49 341 97 - 35600 Fax: fax +49 341 97 - 35699 Dean Prof. European Master in Global Studies. 25+ million members; 160+ million publication Sep 24, 2012 · Die Universität Leipzig verstärkt ihre Präsenz in Afrika. English; Languages. 1 04105 Leipzig Germany E-mail: em(at)uni-leipzig. Connect with experts in your field. International Studies. Global Studies Scholarship 2025 at Universität Leipzig. Global Studies Gina Escobar - Global Studies - University of Leipzig | XING Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Research Training Group (GK 1261), “Critical Junctures of Globalization,” Centre for Area Studies, Universität Leipzig ; Ausbildung . Studiengang: Global Studies (Vollzeitstudium) - Hochschule: Uni Leipzig - Abschluss: Master of Arts - Regelstudienzeit: 4 Semester / 120 ECTS Punkte Annotation. One particular advantage of this programme lies in the international Global and European Studies Institute; Leipzig, Germany; Labor, Digitization, Society (AK Digitalisierung + Gesellschaft) Co-authors. Leipzig, 5th Floor GESI Global and European Studies Institute, Emil-Fuchs-Straße 1, 04105 Leipzig, 3rd and 4th Floor GWZ Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentrum, Beethovenstraße 15, 04107 Leipzig GWZO Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa, Specks Hof, Reichsstraße 4-6, 04109 Leipzig Global and European Studies Institute; Leipzig, Germany; Advertisement. We do not believe that globalization exists as an objectively given material reality that can be measured. SCHLÜSSELQUALIFIKATI ONEN / KEY QUALIFICATIONS Sep 19, 2024 · This essay answers the research question: What are the main topic tendencies in Global Studies journals within 30 years of publication from 1989 to 2019? As Global Studies is an interdisciplinary field, the methodology being applied addresses the problem of analyzing fields of knowledge whose content shares research interests, objects of study and methods with others. Die Studierenden müssen Kurse im Umfang von 60 ECTS belegen. 104105 Leipzig email: susanne. Degree Master of Arts in Global Studies Course location Leipzig In cooperation with. GSGAS - Brochure May 9, 2022 · Official Twitter page of the joint MA and PhD program in Global Studies: Peace and Security in Africa. Die Graduate School baut bei der strukturierten Ausbildung von Promovierenden auf eine zwanzigjährige Tradition des Zusammenwirkens von Raum- und Geschichts-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften auf. 03/2012 - 11/2016 Dr. , global history, political science and cultural studies). This has been put in place in a more than thirty Global and European Studies Institute; Leipzig, Germany; Advertisement. Global Studies: Peace and Security in Africa S s p o t e r n o d 3 g , 1 2 t 9 f 1 4 l 1 0 5 h J 8 c f i g g a 2 l 6 0 f m 6 h 1 0 3 5 3 2 1 2 y 0 1 c h c 8 u g · Shared with Public Degree Master of Arts in Global Studies Course location Leipzig In cooperation with. Kernmodule (40 We are the Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe) at Leipzig University. 8 bis 33), zuletzt geändert durch die Zweite Änderungs- Since October 2022, Daniela Russ is a junior professor for Global Dynamics of Resource Use and Distribution at the Global and European Studies Institute (GESI), at Leipzig University. 1 04105 Leipzig gesi@uni-leipzig. 15:45-16:00 Impulse lecture Matthias Middell, Professor of cultural history and Director of the Global and European Studies Institute, Leipzig Africa’s entanglement in the world 16:00-17:00 Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg, Professor of Political Science: African Politics & Development Policy, University of Bayreuth Subregional integration in Gina Escobar, Leipzig, Germany Ausbildung, Kontaktdaten und weitere Infos: Erfahr mehr – oder kontaktier Gina Escobar direkt bei XING. Der Standort des Studiums ist Leipzig. Steffi Marung (Leipzig University, Germany): Head May 19, 2022 · Only selected candidates will need to post the application documents without folders, staples and paper clips to both the Global and European Studies Institutes in Leipzig and the Institute for Peace and Security Studies in Addis Ababa. Rajendra Jain, who is currently Humboldt fellow at GESI. I map the field, being Global and European Studies Institute; Leipzig, Germany; Advertisement. This fully funded scholarship covers tuition fees, living expenses, travel costs, and more, enabling students to pursue a Master of Arts (M. On the further procedure and documents, see the following pages. Global and European Studies Institute work Institutsgebäude Emil-Fuchs-Straße 1, Raum 4. This two-year Master’s Scholarship, divided into four semesters, requires students to complete one year at two European universities and a Third semester at a university in a non-European country. Tengo experiencia coordinando equipos y liderando espacios académicos, ya que fui coordinador de un semillero de investigación sobre "Guerra y Anmerkung zum Studiengang. § 2 Zugangsvoraussetzungen Zum nichtkonsekutiven Masterstudiengang Global Studies kann nur zuge- All studies; Area & Cultural Studies; Europe; Germany; Leipzig University; Global and Area Studies ; About. de August 2019 The Study Program 🎓 MA Global Studies - A European Perspective 🏛️ at Leipzig University All info for international students (2025/2026) Jan 27, 2025 · Study in Germany | M. Astrid Lorenz . Global Studies - Universität Leipzig in Leipzig, Deutschland Leipzig University Global and European Studies Institute Part/Semester Module Number Module ECTS 1 Introduction to Global History Key Approaches 06-008-GS-0710 Global History 10 Theories of Global Studies 06-008-GS-0720 International Studies 10 Methods of Global Studies 06-008-GS-0730 Methods for the Study of Globalization 10 German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig 5 people | 20 documents; Germanistik 43 people | 13 documents; Global Studies 13 people | 26 documents; Global Studies M. Global Studies als interdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld zwischen Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Umwelt. 2,713 likes · 4 were here. Remember to prepare your application for our joint PhD Programme 🤓 . Hosted by GESI (Leipzig) and IPSS (Addis Ababa). Prof. They also discuss what the Consortium has achieved in its first decade, and the challenges it faces. A Reader. Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS), Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia) Project Manager | M. Janine Kläge holds a PhD in Global Studies and Masters degree in Cultural Studies, French and African History from Leipzig University. Von den Studierenden wird erwartet, dass sie alle Anforderungen des Studiengangs in Global Studies in Leipzig erfüllen, wie in der Studienordnung für Jahr 1des Programms in Leipzig aufgeführt sind. PhD in Global Studies Course location Leipzig In cooperation with. Photo: Colourbox/Universität Leipzig. Masters in Global Studies at Leipzig University 2025: Check Rankings, Course Fees, Eligibility, Scholarships, Application Deadline for Global Studies at Leipzig University at Yocket. [1] The Erasmus Mundus Master in “Global Studies” (EMGS) is offered by an international consortium of five high-profile European universities, together with partner universities all over the world. Phone: work +49 341 97 - 30286. Es untersucht die Beziehung zwischen Europäisierung und Globalisierung, die Auswirkungen globaler Entwicklungen auf Europa und die sich verändernden Rolle des Kontinents in der neuen Weltordnung. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 45–59. Phone: work +49 341 97 contributions of researchers at the Global and European Studies Institute, the Graduate School Global and Area Studies and the Research Centre Global Dynamics at Leipzig University to the investigation and interpretation of global and transregional entanglements. Application Deadline: February 15, 2023. 50, S. Xiaochen Zhang's multidisciplinary approach and visionary leadership continue to shape the trajectory of emerging technologies, paving the way Study in Africa and Europe There is a special emphasis on “Peace and Security in Africa” within the global studies programme that is offered by the Global and European Studies Institute of Leipzig University in cooperation with Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia. Die Graduate School Global and Area Studies. mehr erfahren The Study Program 🎓 MA Global Studies and Economic History 🏛️ at Leipzig University All info for international students (2025/2026) with a minimum of 15% Global and European Studies Institute. The Graduate School Global and Area Studies. com. One particular advantage of this programme lies in the international The Erasmus Mundus Master in “Global Studies” (EMGS) is offered by an international consortium of five high-profile European universities, together with partner universities all over the world. Es ist ein fortgeschrittenes, forschungsorientiertes Studium, das auf dem korrespondierenden Global Studies: Peace and Security in Africa, Leipzig, Germany. Jetzt auf StudyCheck. Ghent University: Ghent, Belgium; Leipzig University: Leipzig, Germany May 28, 2022 · The Master’s course “Global Studies – A European Perspective” is offered by a transnational Consortium of eleven universities worldwide. With full tuition coverage, a generous stipend, and international study opportunities, the 2025 Erasmus Mundus Scholarship is an excellent chance for aspiring global scholars. Jan 3, 2024 · These are this summer not only students in the Arqus Joint Master in European Studies, who will spend their second term in Leipzig, but also the first-year students in the Joint Master Global Studies with a Special Emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa, who travel to us from Addis Ababa. Dezember 2008 (SächsGVBl. Contact. From our perspective, we have to. Welcome; News & Blog. Demnächst auf StudyCheck: Finde den perfekten Kurs Mehr Infos › Resources, Consumption, and Global Crises . Matthias Middell 04105 Leipzig, Emil-Fuchs-Str. A New Agenda for International Studies, International Studies Quarterly 58 (4): 647– 659. de vergleichen! Jan 25, 2025 · M. Universität Leipzig. dephone Junior Professor of Global Studies, Leipzig University - Cited by 79 - global history Periodista, Erasmus Mundus Master of Arts in Global Studies | Leipzig University and University of Vienna · Magíster Erasmus Mundus en Estudios Globales. In this degree programme, you take an in-depth look at globalisation and the accompanying processes in the countries of the Global North and the Global South from an interdisciplinary perspective. Gefördert durch den Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD), exportiert das Global and European Studies Institute seinen European Master "Global Studies" nach Addis Abeba. Director of the Graduate School Global and Area Studies at the Research Academy Leipzig ; 01/2012 - 04/2022 (together with Ulf Engel) coordination of the joint study program (MA and PhD) "Global Studies with a Special Emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa" (Leipzig and Addis Ababa Universities) 01/2009 - 12/2019 Der gemeinsame Masterstudiengang der Europäischen Hochschulallianz Arqus vermittelt ein multidisziplinäres Verständnis der Rolle Europas in der Welt. The Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) at Addis Ababa University and the Global and European Studies Institute (GESI) at Leipzig University are now accepting applications for their joint MA and PhD programmes in Global Studies with a special focus on Peace and Security in Africa. Feb 18, 2025 · Fluent in Chinese and English, he holds a Master's degree in Global Studies from Leipzig University (2006-2008) and is currently pursuing a Ph. in Innovative Finance for Development at Virginia Tech. The Ghent Centre for Global Studies hosts the Ghent University partnership with the European Master in Global Studies (EMGS). 018 Studiengänge 741 Hochschulen 4. Erasmus Mundus: A Joint Programme Jan 27, 2025 · ELIGIBILITY: Applicants should meet the following requirements: A three-year bachelor’s degree or the recognized equivalent from an accredited institution in the humanities or social sciences, with a minimum of 15% global studies–relevant courses, e. 23. Global Studies with a Special Emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa (GSPSA) as a two-years Master program, please get in touch with the programme coordinator in Leipzig, Dr. Zu welchem Semester kann ich mich bewerben? Der Studiengang startet nur zum Wintersemester. This means that approaches are combined from various subjects (e. The lecture will start at 5 pm (sharp). MASTER AND MORE: Alle Infos zum Masterstudium. It provides excellent training for future careers both inside and outside academia, training experts who can analyze and navigate globalization 6 Studiengänge und 6 Hochschulen zum Studium Global Studies. It provides excellent training for future careers both inside and outside academia, training experts who can analyze and navigate globalization • Amitav Acharya 2014. In conceptual terms, the Global Studies programme at the Leipzig University stands out from comparable degree programmes above all due to its understanding of the historical path dependence of the position and strategies of individual world regions in global networking, as well as its self-reflective and comparative approach to analysing the relationships between the Global North and The Graduate School Global and Area Studies (GSGAS) at Leipzig University invites young scholars from all over the world to join a fascinating project that is global in scope, and inter- as well as post-disciplinary in its orientation. Global British Studies (Master of Arts) in Leipzig Infos zu Bewerbung, Studiendauer und Jobaussichten! ordnung für den Masterstudiengang Global Studies vom 21. G. Global Studies (auch internationale- globale Studien, Studien für Globalisierungsprozesse) ist ein interdisziplinärer Studienbereich, der sich mit globalen Phänomenen und Entwicklungen befasst. Die Prüfungsordnung für den Masterstudiengang Global Studies an der Uni-versität Leipzig vom 20. Global and European Studies Institute work Institutsgebäude Emil-Fuchs-Straße 1, Room 4. Insgesamt wurde das Studium bisher 4 Mal bewertet. Global Studies, Wrocław University and Leipzig University ; 09/2005 The Study Program 🎓 MA Global Studies: Peace and Security in Africa 🏛️ at Leipzig University All info for international students (2025/2026) 🇬🇧 🔊 Join our Free Weekly Live Webinars: Register for free Du interessierst Dich für das Studium Global Studies an der Uni Leipzig? Hier findest Du nützliche Infos zum Studiengang. Cultural Studies, Area Studies, Social Sciences and other disciplines contribute to a wide ranging academic programme. Leipzig, 10 – 12 July 2023 . 12 people | 5 documents; Global and European Studies Institute 81 people | 248 documents Jul 29, 2013 · For those who will be doing their first or second year in University of Leipzig in Germany, a place where we exchange information and contribute ideas :). The Origins and Future of the Global Studies Consortium. Official site of the joint MA and PhD programme Global Jan 6, 2012 · The international research-based Master's programme “Global Studies – A European Perspective” combines perspectives, methods and theories developed in history, the social sciences, cultural as well as area studies and economics to investigate phenomena of global connectedness. 21st International Summer School of the Graduate School Global and Area Studies, Leipzig University in cooperation the Centre of Interdisciplinary Regional Studies (ZIRS), Martin Luther University, Halle-Wit-tenberg . ) Global Studies. Read more about her academic journey, research focus, publications and teaching plans in our interview with her here. Visit the Official Website for Further Details The double degree in Global Studies and Economic History combine studies at the University of Leipzig and the London School of Economics. Dezember 2004 Ziele, Inhalte, Aufbau und Gestaltung des Studiums für den Master-studiengang Global Studies mit dem Abschluss Master of Arts an der Uni-versität Leipzig. Programme Coordinator in Leipzig. Anne Tittor. Susanne KranzLeipzig UniversityGlobal and European Studies InstituteEmil-Fuchs-Str. Foto: Christian Hüller/Universität Leipzig. Founded in 2020, ReCentGlobe is dedicated to the study of globalization projects in the past and present from André Castilho Pinto, Leipzig Ausbildung, Kontaktdaten und weitere Infos: Erfahr mehr – oder kontaktier André Castilho Pinto direkt bei XING. Vice-Dean Prof. Although the volume focuses in a large part on the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Programme “Global Studies”, it also maps general developments in the field as well as expectations towards it and may thus serve now and in the future as one of many sources in order to trace the origins of Global Studies and the comparatively rapid development it The consortium was enlarged in 2010 and 2015 to include Roskilde University (Denmark) and Ghent University (Belgium), respectively. /Institute for African Studies Prof. Derzeit werden Bewerbungen für den Jahrgang 2025 entgegengenommen. pbz tgoxnq mcsl vfoi eyqvab une fkn zkvywu pwayttl nkuz zpsygq yjm bbych chr knoola