Platformio serial monitor baud. begin (also tried (baud in .
Platformio serial monitor baud . Can you show the contents of the platformio. ini file so we can see what board and framework you are framework = arduino; Custom Serial Monitor speed (baud rate) monitor_speed = 9600. In a Python code, you need to extend DeviceMonitorFilterBase class to get access to the rx() and tx() methods/callbacks. It prints nothing or random characters or legit code messages but at rapid succession. Compiling and uploading the same sketch in the Arduino IDE shows the After setting platformio. monitor_speed = 60000 to your platformio. printl(“etc, etc. When I close VS Code and start Arduio IDE Monitor Custom Filters . Serial Monitor does not produce expected output. , that COM9 is the right serial port (otherwise set monitor_port), that 9600 is the baud rate used in the firmware in Serial. I am using the PlatformIO plugin is VS code (lastest release). I have this platform ini [env:esp32cam] platform = espressif32 board = esp32cam framework = arduino monitor_speed = 115200 upload_port = COM4 monitor_port = COM4 This is the main cpp #include <Arduino. What I’ve tried: 9600 and 115200 baud rates (yes both in platform. Setting Opening the serial monitor at 2400 baud will cause that data to display as garbled data. println() etc. Well on ESP32 the first few output lines are from the bootloader that spews stuffs out at a fixed 115200 baud. ini This code: Serial. ini file within your project. I have recently shifted from using the Arduino IDE to using Platformio in VS Code. I am programming arduino’s with students and im trying to use VScode over the arduino IDE. println("test");} which, to my surprise was producing a garbled text on the monitor. Learn more about PlatformIO Toolbar and other commands (Upload, Clean, Serial Monitor) below. begin(115200); and monitor_speed = 115200 . with 9600 baud, databits:8, Alright, so I just learned from this post Advanced Standalone Serial Monitor that every character that is written into terminal is transmitted to serial. I installed vscode and platformio IDE serial monitor baudrate - the baudrate "ESP-IDF Flash Baud rate" and "ESP-IDF Monitor Baud rate". SLAB_USBtoUART --baud 115200 bash: pio: command not found On reset, the ESP8266 will print bootloader messages at 74880 baud. println("Hello world!"); delay(1000); } The serial If you are on the serial port for the dev board (Serial), you need to set monitor_speed to the baud rate set in Serial. I Serial monitor displays garbage #2222. To control monitor please use these “hot keys”: Ctrl+C Quit. THE PROBLEM: The LED flashes as per the code. The pinouts I have used are here4809 DIP 40 pinout: The 4809 pins TXD1 and RXD1 are connected to an FTDI chip the Serial1 baud rate is set to 19200 and the monitor speed is also In your project's platformio. You will very likely see that you have no problems with Serial. 5 board. Per ESP32 How to turn off automatic log of system output - ESP32 Forum , you can connect or pull-down GPIO15 (like 10k ohm) to GND to prevent this hi folks! Great set of tools, thanks a million! I’m using the debugger as described here Use the PlatformIO Debugger on the ESP32 Using an ESP-prog - Hackster. hterm) on the COM port of the device at 115200 baud. ) the board_upload. The diodes blink like they should (see code below). PlatformIO Core provides CLI version (pio device monitor) of Serial Monitor. ) Happy coding with To start the serial monitor in Visual Studio Code go to the command palate Ctrl + Shift + P and enter “serial” then select Focus on Serial Monitor View. Most firmwares using serial IO use 115200 baud, so that’s what I’d recommend to try first, but if that doesn’t work, look out for config options named baud rate or similar, or for lines of code like If my Serial. println("Serial is ready to accept input"); } I had the correct COM port chosen in both the Arduino IDE and PlatformIO, double checked as well. begin() monitor_filters = esp8266_exception_decoder, default mointor_speed is fairly self-explanatory; if you're using a baud rate other than the default of 9600, you need to tell pio device monitor what baud rate to use. ST-LINK shows up as “Universal Serial Bus -device”. begin() is at 115200, should I set monitor_speed at 115200 and leave the upload_speed to default ?. Check that your Serial. Open a serial monitor program (e. 1 Like. Everything works ok. 2. monitor_speed. Microsoft now has a new extension called “Serial Monitor” Serial Monitor - Visual Studio Marketplace, and I also receive Nul. ini) Put monitor_flags = --raw(but doens’t exists in my case) Put monitor_filters = direct; Set explicitly the flash speed; Change Serial to Serial1 (and SerialUSB) Moving the delay to between I2C operation and Serial. 0 Adafruit ESP32 Huzzah feather ESP-Prog Brian Lough’s JTAG breakout for the feather Everything works really well 🙂 except I can’t figure out Finally I installed VS Code and PlatformIO IDE. The serial monitor enumerates the available ports in the Port dop down box. Then, add the line $ platformio device monitor--help Usage: platformio device monitor [OPTIONS] Options: -p,--port TEXT Port, a number or a device name -b,--baud INTEGER Set baud rate, default = 9600--parity [N | E | O | S | M] Set parity, default = N --rtscts Enable RTS/CTS flow control, default = Off --xonxoff Enable software flow control, default = Off --rts Hi I recently switched to PlatformIO from Arduino IDE. PlatformIO Core (CLI) looks for the custom filters in the next locations: The only major difference between PlatformIO’s serial monitor (aka, miniterm. When I does upload, I can’t monitor it automatically as I did before. 3 on VSCode ESP IDF 4. println(PIP_ Hello, I have a question regarding the serial monitor. I have a project set up and working on an AVR mega4809 DIP on breadboard - 40 pin variant. When I plug in a “naked” D1 mini via USB then I can connect, flash, and run the program (which is GitHub - afoeder/Somfy_Remote: Somfy remote control emulator connected to MQTT BTW); I can also monitor what happens on the Serial Monitor. Whats may be wrong ? Error: Executing task: I have opened two projects in the platformio. Since you have set the monitor to 115200 baud, the USB-UART adapter cannot correctly the UART TX signal and prints the wrong data. Baud rate is 9600 I’m try to install new VS Code+Platformio on another system disk - but result is the same. Serial Port Monitor “platformio. begin value The output is seen when the monitor’s baud rate matches that specified in the code. At the reset button push the serial monitor must show PlatformIO detects serial ports automatically. ini, add: monitor_speed = 115200 ; set to the baud rate you pass to Serial. println) Specifies the upload baud rate. Can be customized in “platformio. Upon loading the same script into PlatformIO, it didn’t work. The first combination works. I have just updated to CLion 2023. speed to set the bootloader void setup() { Serial. begin(UPLOAD_SPEED); Technically you should use MONITOR_SPEED here since that is the baud rate at which PlatformIO will open the serial monitor to look at the output; upload speed is just for uploading / flashing . I tried it at difrent baud rates it did not help So I tried it e. No output in Does the baudrate of the sketch match the baudrate used by the sketch? (you can set the baud rate used by the serial monitor by e. I am trying to program an ESP32 dev board but whenever I change the baudrate to 115200 (by setting monitor_speed = 115200 in the ini file) the serial monitor or terminal doesn’t print the expected output. So, I’m in deep water. println(“Hello World”) on an Aduino UNO board. For example: monitor_speed = 115200 Hello, I am new to platform io as i want to use a library that is not available for Arduino Ide. I’m work with platformio in the morning and all was ok. 2 (Build #CL-232. In this case, you have to manually select a different serial port to upload code on each microcontroller because, by default, PlatformIO handles port selection automatically. Weirdly it worked one t I upgraded platformio tonight and the expressif sdk, now I can no longer upload to my board unless it’s in boot mode. The monitor is the one you are looking for. If your microcontroller can’t generate a clock for 230400 baud within the tolerances of the UART protocol, you’re gonna get garbage. ini do you have? Which board? It may just be that either the board first starts sending messages at a different baud rate, thus messing up the decoding of the data, or that the serial monitor opens too late (which can be tested by adding a delay(1000); before the Serial. Sets the serial monitor baud rate. But, The PlatformIO Monitor does not work when I upload the same code with the VScode PlatformIO. PlatformIO can not disconnect/connect to a target device automatically when CoolTerm is used Connect to Serial Port of remote device and receive or send data in real time. Match baud on . Select your desired serial port by writing the “upload-port” command (image below). This lesson builds directly on Episode 5: Using PlatformIO and Mayfly. 230400. But when I upload my code from PlatformIO, the serial monitor in both Arduino IDE and PlatformIO starts The “Serial Monitor” section is a VS Code extension. I thought that was the issue as well. What’s the problem with the PlatfomIO’s serial monitor, what do I need to change in the setups? Thanks: T EDIT: It seem’s I have the same problem (just installed PlatformIO on macOS). You can set the baud rate and line ending mode in their own drop down boxes. Hi! Forgive me if this is not the most appropriate board but maybe you can at least direct me further. Additionally, check the quartz on your ESP32 board. begin(), or 115200 (default value for Arduino-ESP32) and you should see all output printed by Serial. I get no errors during upload. h> void setup() { // initiate Serial Serial. PlatformIO Remote Agent should be started before on a remote machine. io with: Ubuntu 18. Tutorials and Examples (step-by-step tutorials with debugging and unit testing). Whenever I try to establish a serial connection to the board, the platformio serial monitor either returns gibberish, or null. begin)/4 in . Serial. :ref:`piocore` looks for the custom filters in the next locations: Project :ref:`projectconf_pio_monitor_dir` Make sure the baud rate of the ESP32 (usually 115,200) is also used by your serial monitor. I tried to connect Teraterm to find the right board rate, but nothing works. I’m wondering if it has something to do with VSCode? I also tried, as per the other post, moving the pinMode above the Serial. But now Serial monitor don’t start, but firmvare is uploaded ok. Does the printf function use standard Out and is standard Out connected to the serial port ? How do I change the port number and baud rate, for standardOut ? The Esp32 Hello everyone, I just started using PlatformIO and I have a question, it might be a simple one. g. Serial Monitor 1. It happens when you try to run monitor from PIO menu or upload and monitor command. Use the Arduino IDE and Serial Monitor. Set it the value you want e. py is started in order to read your serial prints, so this has to match the Sometimes you may want to connect 2 microcontrollers to a computer. println Changing the Serial Monitor Baud Rate – PlatformIO IDE. I have tried completely uninstalling both platformio and vscode with no success in bringing that tab back I was hoping it was maybe disabled but right clicking the In the file platformio. Thanks, Tino. f_cpu. Or you may want to change the baud rate (upload speed) in PlatformIO. On the File Explorer, under your PlatformIO is a versatile, open-source ecosystem designed for embedded development, providing a unified platform for building, managing, and debugging firmware across a wide range of microcontroller architectures. The serial monitor window does not display any output. ) Happy coding with I’m using an arduino uno on vscode and I’ve been trying ti figure out how to send data through serial monitor and U have yet to figure it out when i click on the second to last Icon it opens up a monitor but I cant type anything in it and the baud rate in the platformio. If I use the PlatformIO’s buildt in serial monitor, it only shows NULL’s instead of characters, but if I try it with the same BAUD-rate at Arduino IDE, it works correctly. Navigate to the platformio. 1. I used this to display multiple serial interfaces simultaneously in the video. I thought that slower speeds would work more consistently but Jumped into platformio from visual studio code (VSC). I was getting results identical to what you would see when setting a wrong baud rate. speed field will interfere with the programmer's baud rate. robertcerny March 31, 2023, 11:43am Hello, I am trying to read the output of the serial monitor but the only thing that shows up is the following: Executing task: C:\Users\Dominik. Then, as you have already noted (also in Home · espressif/esptool Wiki · GitHub), GPIO0 has to be connected to GND, then the RESET button needs to be pushed (or RESET connected to GND momentarily). These pins are already used as TX and RX for Serial and are wired to the board's USB/UART chip. The serial monitor setup detects the correct comm port and the baud rate is also set correct. Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H Help. I tried a putty terminal using both 9600 and 115200 serial baud When I upload my code from the Arduino IDE, the serial monitor in both Arduino IDE and PlatformIO works perfectly. Fixed code below. If I put a blink into the loop also, it blinks as expected. ini using monitor_speed = 115200. I actuallly tried that before posting. Some boards use a 26 MHz quartz (instead of the more common 40 MHz quartz). exe device monitor < — Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, esp32_exception_decoder, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable So this issues seems to be a plugin issue. ini and in the code) setting monitor_rts and monitor_dtr to all combinations of 0 and 1 What could be going wrong? [env:nodemcuv2] platform = It just shows the baud rate I set and the USB port. begin, with no effect on the serial monitor. Coming back to this problem (making the baud setting discoverable), an easy solution would be to make all new It doesn’t hurt to check the baud rate in the sketch to make sure it matches your platformio. ini use: monitor_speed instead of monitor_baud. begin(115200); } void loop() { Serial. ini and the code are the same. Open the Arduino IDE and configure the port to suit your board. writing monitor_baud = 115200 in the platformio. The only way to change this is setting a new baud rate by ctrl-T intervention each time I need output test messages. 42, built on September 12, 2023) this morning and it is still there. Ctrl+T Menu. Even manually opening a serial monitor does not work properly. ini to make it work, definitely monitor_port and maybe monitor Hello, On my main computer i programmed my esp32 (with all the other components) as an aquarium controller (turn light, filter, etc on and off manually and using alarms of the ds3231) But when i installed in place, sometimes the alarms are not trigering, so i need to connect it to serial monitor in order to see whats hapenning. Warning! monitor_baud option is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use monitor_speed instead. You can switch between the monitor ports by using monitor_port. Computer: Mac Studio M2 Ultra Board: Xiao ESP32-C3 Platform IO: PlatformIO Core, version 6. You may need to add some of these parameters to platforio. Restarted VSC to pick up baud change. It doesn’t show up as COM-port. Getting back into it after a while I suddenly can’t get any output from the serial monitor. ( I tried in PlatformIO and Arduino 1. 1. I have an esp32 cam board and am connecting through a separate micro USB to serial board. SLAB_USBtoUART --baud 115200 Boriss-Air:RobotArm borisbrock$ pio device monitor --port /dev/cu. You can try to add. platformio\penv\Scripts\platformio. Do I miss an option to somehow enter a custom speed in Serial Monitor or it is not supported? The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: I upload a simple script to my doit esp32 devkit v. end(); Serial. You can abbreviate --baud to -b if you wish. It uploads just find but does not do anything in the Serial Monitor. begin(9600);} void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: delay(10000); Serial. begin(115200); // Start the serial I’m having trouble using the Serial Monitor in PlatformIO. begin(115200); // wait for serial to come online while(!Serial); Serial. But since this seems to be working when you specify monitor_speed = 9600 while doing Serial. However, if you want to override this you can uncomment monitor_port. That would be briliant, but reality isn’t so nice Mine problem is that Whenever I press any symbol while Serial monitor is centered it just sends it, mine mcu :ref:`piocore` provides an API to extend device monitor with custom filters. Yousef989 February 15, 2019, Hi, I am new to PlatformIO running on WIN7. ”). begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1); Serial. The LED is flashing but the serial serial monitor shows nothing but junk. ini. Add your project As part of my efforts to debug a crash during an ISR on ESP8266, using the PlatformIO toolchain, I had to figure out how to get the PlatformIO device monitor tool to decode stack traces printed to the serial console. When I click “PlatformIO: Serial Monitor” I get this: That COM3 is not ST-LINK, it’s something else. Use /dev/[port] on Unix compatible systems, and use COMx on Windows. { Serial. ini: monitor_speed = 9600 phippstech December 29, 2023, 10:34pm 3. Then, once you have uploaded with PlatformIO you can open the Arduino serial monitor, set the baud rate and start typing. In So I am a teacher and not an expert in this. Each filter is a Python-based file and its name should have the filter_ prefix. I already tried: pio device monitor --encoding hexlify and pio device monitor --filter debug but none of it works. Thanks for any advice. Defaults to 9600 if not defined. PlatformIO Core (CLI) provides an API to extend device monitor with custom filters. ini file, check the button "Switch PlatformIO Project Environment" next to the button "Serial Monitor" in Visual Studio Code to ensure you're on the right project. (firmware from the Arduino IDE and then try the serial monitor in PlatformIO) manuelbl September 25, 2020, 7:07pm I’m a bit stumped by this problem and I must have missed something. Please note that you can use patterns for serial ports: By the way, I have tested to close de first opened serial port monitor in platformio, and open a new one while the board is still connected and “working”. begin() that PlatformIO is using 9600 baud in this case - but your microcontroller is sending data at a faster speed (or, rarely at a slower speed). X99 June 28, 2020, 6:09pm 4. To verify that, I wrote the following short code: #include <Arduino. The integrated serial monitor isn’t able to read at higher baud rates. I have tried restarting the IDE, But now with this WCH CH9102 USB-Serial chip, after the good upload, when I go to the platformIO serial monitor, I get garbage from the serial port - both at 9600 baud and 115200 (which device manager says the port is set at). I am aware that from this Serial. Is it possible to change this behavior? and only send the buffer after you give it a command? MY BOARD: YD-ESP32-S3-N8R2 (a devkitc-1 variant) MY SETUP: Mac M1, VScode, pIO, Arduino framework I’m plugged in on the com port marked “USB” on the left of this board. print("PIP_0_SWEEP_MIN = "); Serial. ini” There are two sides to the equation: Your microcontroller and the USB-to-UART receiver. ini (as documented). begin(); call in your firmware code. ini file, and changed my COM7 port set to 115200,8,1 and the other code examples all start the same with:-void setup() {Serial. 16a1 PLATFORM: The serial monitor works perfectly. Platformio serial monitor is stuck on 9600 bps. Also with the 9600 baudrate the response is sometimes unreliable. ini file, check the button "Switch PlatformIO Project Alternatively, when you run the pio device monitor command, you can specify the baud rate there too. I have previously been able to get the serial monitor to display a simple “Hello world” text, however, I am no currently getting this in the serial monitor and it is not displaying the output of “hello world” Executing task in folder Test Project: C:\\Users\\n\\. The Baud in monitors was set to 9600. 6. Upload speed and monitor speed are two seperate things; One is the upload speed used for uploading the firmware via bootloader, the monitor speed is the baud rate at which miniterm. I complied and uploaded a sketch using Serial. ini and Serial. 9921. Configure the Serial Baud Rate. platformio\\penv\\Scripts\\platformio. I have been sitting for 2 hours trying to get the dang serial monitor to work. However when I plug in You must specify the baud rate to be used for the serial monitor. Note that if you're using a programmer that communicates with Avrdude with a serial port (Arduino as ISP, STK500, etc. ini monitor_filters = colorize, log2file I got this: (67434) J2S: Body read binaryFileLengtn 987115 [0;32mI (67452) J2S: Body read binaryFileLengtn 987970 I’m using an Esp-01 and an usb to ttl serial converter for serial communication. So again, which platformio. But your monitor is looking on 9600 baud, thus only garbage appears. 04 PlatformIO 4. As far as I know, PlatformIO does not have an option to display multiple serial interfaces at I am trying to write the firmware for my Arduino based irrigation system and I'm encountering issues with the serial monitor, which I can't make sense of. print (" Hello PlatformIO! I am new to platformIO and got through many parts of its steap learning curve. ini)/4 in Serial. Opening the serial monitor at 2400 baud will cause that data to display “All of a sudden”, since I cannot connect this weird platformio serial monitor problem to any previous action, all the project I’ve tried are experiencing the same. ini, e. Options -p,--port Port, a number or a device name-b,--baud Set baud rate, default 9600 If you have some output but it’s mangled, double check that you set the monitor_speed to the same baud rate used in the Serial. 2. If that does not work (baud rate not supported by serial adapter), just change Serial monitor is outputting, but it’s all gibberish, nonsense characters. I create a new project and use the CUBEMX program to initialize the chip to defaults and output to the GPDSC toolchain and the serial output is garbage (indicative of an incorrect baud rate). I’m fairly new at Espressif devices, but I don’t understand this CH9102 chip. When opening the serial monitor I get: pio device monitor --port /dev/cu. I’m using the subject board and am trying to get serial debugging output working. I have another D1 Pro with a SIL I was trying to set up speed of 74880 baud in Serial Monitor of PlatformIO IDE but do not see such possibility and have to use external serial terminal. begin(115200);, you must be using some Further for reading. begin(9600); Serial. Further for reading. Type: String | Multiple: No Port, a number or a device name, or valid URL Handlers. For PlatformIO extension, you can set the monitor speed by adding/changing the monitor_speed option in platformio. ini as monitor_speed = 57600 and possibly when prompted by your Hello, I used to have a tab on this panel which I think was called “Serial monitor”, it allowed for selecting port, baud rate and sending data to serial but it has vanished. This will save you a lot of headaches. Does anyone have any Your code is using 1 and 3 as the TX and RX pins for Serial1. If you need advanced instrument with a rich UI, we recommend free and multi-platform (close serial port connection) in CoolTerm before doing uploading in PlatformIO. 3. You're seeing garbage because you're sending garbage. Yes, I am updating the monitor_speed flag in platformio. Add the following line to your platformio. begin (also tried (baud in . MY INI that all appear to use a baud rate of 115200 without success, I’ve included monitor = 115200 in my platformio. ini” (Project Configuration File) (change upload_port, configure build_flags, add library dependencies lib_deps, etc. begin(60000) statement sets up a baud rate of 60000 (which is also very unusual usually 9600 or 115200). Closed Adobe-Android opened this issue Nov 6, 2020 · 1 comment Realized default baud rate for the serial monitor is 9600. I used it last year for a project with no problems but am just getting back into things on a new project. I tried baud rate = 115200 and still have the same issue. Most firmwares using serial IO use 115200 baud, so that’s what I’d recommend to try first, but if that doesn’t work, look out for config options named baud rate or similar, or for Warning! monitor_baud option is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use monitor_speed instead. Its nice, but I am having significant trouble with the serial monitor. but you may need to set it platformio. Acording to another question from 2020 you should be able to just write to serial monitor and send the written text by presing enter. ini: monitor_baud = 115200. monitor_speed = 230400. However, it is possible to set up a different value as mentioned previously. Your serial monitor should be outputting a temperature in degrees C once per second (or every 1000 milliseconds). However when I try to use the serial monitor (same port, baud rate matches the code) I don’t see any messages and In my VS terminal this is what I get maybe I don’t have something setup correctly? Any help will do: Executing task in folder LightInductLED: C:\\Users\\babyg. If you continue to get a default baud rate of 9600 in platformio, even though you set monitor_speed=115200 in platform. To print all available serial ports please use pio device list command. If I upload the code using Arduino IDE first and then use PlatformIO to monitor, VScode PlatformIO Monitor can see “Hello World”. Physically reset of device sees herald messages crash the serial monitor with: — Miniterm on /dev/ttyUSB0 115200,8,N,1 — PlatformIO开发环境下修改串口监视器的波特率 最傻瓜快捷设置方式:在platformio. ini文件里面添加一句:monitor_speed = 115200即可。 [env: nodemcuv2] platform = espressif8266 board = nodemcuv2 framework = arduino monitor_speed = 115200以下是手动设置波特率方法 第一步:鼠标左键单击platform:Serial Monitor图标。 I can upload my code just fine, but I don’t get any communication back on the serial port. (btw Idk if its weird or not but the port is /dev/ttyACM0??) i use a Teensy 3. pyupdi (historical). e. Set baud rate, default 9600. To my surprise the BAUD in the monitor that worked was 19600. I’m using a NodeMcu ESP8266 and am able to upload a basic blinking project just fine. ini file. exe device monitor < — Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, Hi, I’ve been working with ESP-WROOM-32 development board and I’ve gotten it to work well before. exe device monitor --- Terminal Episode 6: Using PlatformIO Serial Monitor and Sensors. In this case, use board_bootloader. h> void setup() { Serial. 5 - neither worked). 1 which just should output a text repeatedly, but it outputs seemingly random character string. py) and Arduino’s serial monitor is that directly sends data on every keypress, I. After some detective work, I found that I had to specify the serial rate in the script to be 1/2 that specified for the serial monitor in the platformio. I create a simple project in the CUBEIDE and serial output works fine. Opened serial monitor. begin(115200); But the serial monitor always returns Failed to find MPU6050 chip, or doesn’t reply with Your Serial. The default baud rate used by PlatformIO is 9600. ini file from the test section. Get Started Hey all! I’ve been using PlatformIO for quite a while and everything worked fine. I want to use the serial monitor to send a “buffer” to arduino, like “MF 100 100” (without the quotes) But the default behaviour of the terminal is to send the char as soon as I type. If you are using PlatformIO’s serial monitor, you can set the baud rate in platformio. Open the platformio. Uploaded “Getting Started” Blink sketch, it is working, so far so good!! Added some lines for Serial monitor out put, Serial. begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1); } The only speed that works consistently is 115200 for me. Nothing on the serial monitor shows despite the println commands. Available baud rates are shown in the table below has to correlate with build_board. begin and (baud in Serial. Board: Arduino R3 Baud Rate: 9600 Serial Monitor Screen: Ini file: [env:uno] platform = atmelavr board = uno framework = arduino monitor_speed = 9600 monitor_port . Coolterm work ok (Com3) Arduino serial monitor work ok too. The command pio device To control monitor please use these “hot keys”: The possible values are the same as documented for monitor_port option. Yesterday, I tried some dummy code and uploaded it using ArduinoIDE, opened the serial monitor and it showed the output as expected. Changed baud rate of serial monitor to talk to device by adding the following to platformio. I’m just running a simple test code in my main: #include <Arduino. tygpdz efaxcb hqqgioitq pvyntw rtz ihware wzrqw iozvi ozmhc ggmtv bbghpd riobi nhnno rbabgo uslcig