Druid main tank tbc. Both are great classes to play and have a place in tbc.

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Druid main tank tbc. On a side note druids in PVP are fken OP.

Druid main tank tbc 0 patch. The stats are listed in terms of importance, with each stat being explained in-depth, including any possible stat caps. In this guide, we will explain what Attributes do for their Builds PvE Feral Tanking Builds The first spec shown above is the standard PvE build that should be taken by any Feral Druid who is a main tank for their raid team, meaning Druids suffer diminishing returns because you can only have one HoT of a specific type on a target. Always play in a rigid manner, and then wonder why they're dying. It's really about what suits you and learning to play it right. It’s Body Armor for Feral Druid Tank in Phase 3 Head 천둥심장 머리덮개 and 복수심에 불타는 검투사의 용가죽 투구 are the two highest overall value tanking helms for Any druid tanks out there than can offer me some advice? Or share a rotation? Any and all druid tank help would be much appreciated Bear tanking before tbc in dungeons is just a lot of When leveling a fresh druid from 1-60 via dungeon tanking, the talent order shown below is recommended as an efficient leveling path. Pages in this Guide 1 Introduction 2 Spell Summary 3 Builds and Talents 4 Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities 5 Stat Priority 6 Enchants and Consumables 7 Gear and Best in Slot 8 Pre-Raid Gear 9 Tier 4 Gear 10 Tier 5 Gear Feral Druid Tank Best in Slot HubFeral Druid Tank Pre-Raid Best in Slot Best In Slot Frost Resistance Gear for Feral Druid Tank in Phase 2 The upcoming Serpentshrine Cavern raid in Phase 2 of TBC Classic features a unique raid boss, Hydross the Unstable, which requires tanks to prepare specialized gear sets in order to survive the encounter On this page, we present you with all spells and procs that you need to understand as a Feral Druid Tank in TBC Classic. Talent Builds. im horde. Feral Druids have both the highest effective health pool Best PvE Rotation for Feral Druid Tank in Burning Crusade When playing a bear tanking role, the three primary responsibilities of a feral druid are Many competitive guilds My guild used a warrior and a Druid tank for all of TBC (on live). ; Brutal impact increases stun duration, which is essential for a good Pounce opener and to keep enemies controlled with Bash. On this page, you will find the best PvE gear and best in slot items for your Feral Druid Tank in Phase 5 of TBC Classic. This guide's goal is to help TBC players understand what are the best raid buffs and optimal group setup for your Feral Druid Tank, as well as the strongest Feral Druid Tank Consumables for raids including best flasks, elixirs, and potions. Main Tank Build 11/33/7. Feral Tank Druid Best in Slot (BiS) Gear List - TBC Classic. This guide will list the best items available in every slot, how they should be gemmed and enchanted, and present complete The druid on the other hand seems to me really mana efficient and can bring even more utility than the holy priest. They have the highest effective health pool (EHP) of all three tanking specs due to amplified armor values on all feral gear and the amazing armor scaling from Dire Bear Form and Thick Hide, allowing bears to soak large damage spikes from bosses with ease. Welcome to our Feral Tank gearing guide for TBC. Gems Welcome to Wowhead's Feral Druid Tank Raid Buffs and Consumables Guide for Burning Crusade Classic, updated for . This is the standard tanking spec for Feral. Yes Druid becomes the best tank because of scaling by the end of the game, but up to This is the standard PvE build that should be taken by any Feral Druid who is a main tank for their raid team, meaning that they tank rather than DPS on all boss encounters and typically function as the "Threat tank" in their tanking core, handling most Threat sensitive tanking roles in each raid. Which is most fun? Least repetetive? etc I played a palatank in TBC and raided up to SWP so I know the class but Feral Druid becomes viable. If your raid leader wants I haven't done the math in tbc but in classic the bis for feral threat was actually often different from bis for cat dps, because bear benefited more from ap and crit than cats did, and cats benefited more from agi and strength I mean a lot of the gear is similar for both but you don’t give the main spec Druid tank the ability to main The main strength of a feral Druid is its ability to dps and tank as the same spec As a feral main, I haven’t had an issue finding groups that will take me in Dungeons as dps, with you being on While I am still heavily debating on which class to play as, my friends are planning on playing a Priest and a Rogue, so I was thinking maybe I should play as a Tank so that we’d The Burning Crusade Classic WoW Druid leveling guide recommends the best leveling spec and talents from 1-70 and covers gear, professions, and links to relevant guides. Welcome to our Feral Druid Tank guide for TBC Classic, tailored for PvE content. Introduction. Tools, Forums, and more for WoW Classic, TBC Classic, WotLK, Cataclysm, MoP & The War Within! Recent News. Engineering is good but not that good since you won't get goggles until p2. Each had their strengths and weaknesses, but all could do the job. Mask Talents. Druid Tanking Resistance Gear List (Burning Crusade) 2025, 02:29:39 AM. Druid Guides Menu Toggle. It will be slightly more challenging than finding a guild as a healer or DPS, but once you find a spot, you're pretty much locked in. I searched on google but didnt find anything on that topic. I have already decided to play a tank since I enjoy tanking and have limited time for dungeons and thus can find groups quickly. Pre-Patch Overview for Feral Druid Tank in Burning Crusade Feral druid tanks receive a variety of changes in the pre-patch that impact both their Threat generation and their survivability in raids. For 5 mans along the way to 60? Really don't feel there is too much of a difference between the two apart from warriors having better single target aggro with sunder. I'm myself going to have a resto druid at 70 solely for pvp, and play my hunter for everything else. Those are some fast and easy tank items as you work on rep (and gear) for H runs. Get the LW Clefthoof set to add to it. those are going to be my 3 classes i play. The Burning Crusade. We have the ability to utilize shape-shifting Druid bears are better 3rd tanks than pally and pally are their for shit situations since they can only taunt 3 mobs Prot warrior is best raid tank in tbc, so guild main tanks will be warriors Welcome to Wowhead's Feral Druid Tank TBC Addon Guide, updated for of Burning Crusade Classic. Contains gear sourced from raid, dungeons, early PvP grinding, professions, BoE World Drops, and reputations. Phase. He became the off tank and we got a warrior to start main ranking it. personally, i preferred healing him over the warrior and pally 9/10 times. To make stat weights, we compare how valuable 1 of each stat is compared to a common stat – typically, we use Attack Power as the baseline. Druids still weren’t main tank material in raids, although both them and Paladins got significant buffs from vanilla to tanking. Tbc tanking is balanced this way. We first present the stat priority, before delving into more complex explanations. Feral Tank Druid PvE Guide - TBC Classic. there aren't many bosses that require shield bash/reflect and the only boss that requires shield block is Illidan Aldor vs. I am currently leveling a druid through classic with the main goal of raiding Kara in BC. The question is what the tanking meta will look like in the diffrent tbc phases. GG. if I play the druid, I'll be main spec feral bear, and off-spec probably feral dps (kitty!) or possibly boomkin (as said before, I have my shaman for healing so I really don't want to do it on the druid, regardless of how valuable druid healers might be) The druid tank is toc 25 man level probably could start doing some hard modes (42 k Hp A list of the best gear for Feral Tank Druids for Pre Raid, Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, and Phase 4 in World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Classic. A paladin offers value in the form of being the best aoe tank, and can heal decently with a healset on the fights where he isnt needed, plus offering another set Kara runs and clear the cheese mobs like the groups on the way to Opera. The difference is insane, and I think you'll find it frustrating trying to tank. Your hp and armor is something to behold, the rotations are more Back in the day when I raided as a resto druid I would have full T6 for my main set for raids (most of it was in bank as only two items are BIS IIRC), 2 sets of T6 for feral for running Kara and heroics (one enchanted for DPS and one for tanking) and one Moonkin set for battlegrounds. pally will be my main for tanking, enhance shaman, and balance druid. Latsyrc Guardian Druid is a shape-shifting, leather-wearing Tank specialization with a mix of damage reduction, self-healing, and high mobility. Aldor/Scryer. ; Some Druids prefer Thick Hide for survivability over the improved stealth from Feral Instinct, I need some help to decide what to play in TBC classic. However, unlike many other bosses, you’ll want a healthy balance of different You’ll want 2-3 healers assigned to your healing main tank at all times, similar to most bosses. 3 changes in, but it will still be on a boss by boss basis) and the feral druid would DPS some fights and off tank on others, which was reversed entirely in sunwell where druids took over as main tanks. But I have a hard time to decide whether to play pally, warrior or druid. Talents, Builds, & Glyphs; even fulfilling the role of Casters or Healers for short durations whenever they are not Main Tanking. Pages in this Guide 1 Introduction 2 Spell Summary 3 You’ll want 2-3 healers assigned to your healing main tank at all times, similar to most bosses. Rating: Bear tanking in patch 2. I recently leveled my old Classic Warlock main from 60-70 via a mix of quests and dungeons, and I'd say about 75% of tanks were Paladins, 25% Druids and 0% What is the order of best AOE tanks in TBC? Out of paladin, warrior, and druid. Feral Druids can use Engineering to boost their Threat Generation with Goblin Sapper Charge, Dark Iron Bomb, and Druid main to play with friends and do everything. For bear tanks, the only permanently relevant items provided by these factions are the two shoulder enchants for Threat and avoidance, respectively. But a lot of things we’re improved. Druid tanks get crushed, deal with it. They have the highest effective health pool (EHP) of all three tanking specs due to amplified armor TBC Quests To Save for WotLK Classic Launch; TBC Quests To Save On Your Death Knight for WotLK Classic; Zombie Bank Heist; If you really want to give main tanking Hydross as a feral druid a go you’ll need to It made for fun Heroic tanking, trash tanking, and off tanking. Welcome to our Feral Tank rotation and gameplay guide for TBC Classic. +5% Haste from battle chicken, turret flame for parses and overall sapper to help with the huge shithole that is AOE tanking as bear. The trinkets however would be useful since you don't really have a lot of good defensive options As a druid who main tanked all of TBC I’ll share my two cents. Druid is good for sure and you can tank everything, but into warrior is MUCH more engaging gameplay since you have CDs and active mitigation. However, in pvp, resto druid is great fun. You could optionally trade change Intensity to Savage Fury if you are an off-tank and would like higher DPS. true. This is the standard build for any Feral Druid that wishes to be a Main Tank. There used to be a forum Maintankadin, which was focused on pally tanking, and a large number of people on there were their guilds main tanks all the way through TBC. With TBC it's more important to have varied raid composition as opposed to 'all tanks should be warriors, all dps should be mage or rogue, all heals should be shammy or priest". These can be broken down further, and how you gear will Talent Builds for Feral Druid Tank in Burning Crusade Pre-Patch Feral druid talent builds in the TBC pre-patch are very similar to the final builds at level 70. Bears also pack a ton of Armor for Feral Druid Tank in Pre-Raid Head Cobrascale Hood and Helm of the Claw are the best initial mit skewed and threat skewed helm options, respectively, for feral tanks prior to entering raids and heroics. Rotation. I only had a hunter alt at level 27. Compared to the other Tanking specializations, Feral Druids have a different stat priority, favoring a mix of This talent provides almost no value to a feral DPS druid, as Rip is used as the standard finishing move in the TBC DPS rotation rather than Ferocious Bite. A bad druid is better than a bad warrior, but I think a good warrior outshines a good druid, there's just more buttons to press to make it more fun Well, these days I run into a lot of so-so-geared tanks. Best rotation for Restoration Druid Healing in Burning Crusade Classic PvE situations, including single-target and multiple-target details, as well as explanations for all class abilities including effective cooldowns and notable class utility. List of Best in Slot (BiS) gear from Serpentshrine Cavern, Tempest Keep, and Phase 2 content for Feral Druid Tank in Burning Crusade Classic, including optimal armor, trinkets, weapon, and gems. warrior is not bad early on for dps but does get Finding DPS/threat stat weights. As you play a Feral, you may notice that you are a very desired spec in a From someone that mains a Prot pally now and a resto druid in TBC the first time, this is the most accurate statement here. First, TBC adds Mangle (Cat) to the cat rotation, which provides a 30% buff to almost all yellow damage, including both Shred (the primary combo point generator) and Rip (the primary finishing move). On this page, you will find out the optimal PvE stat priority for your Feral Druid Tank in TBC Classic. I've tried several different strategies, from swipe tab swipe repeat, tab lacerate tab lacerate repeat, swipe mangle/maul tab swipe mangle/maul tab repeat. Which is most fun? Least repetetive? etc I played a palatank in TBC and raided up to SWP so I know the class but Well, these days I run into a lot of so-so-geared tanks. Damage spikes can be healed with either Swiftmend, the HoTs, or Nature’s Swiftness and Healing touch combo. Second, the change to Heart of the Wild and Paladin tanking is a lot more interesting and fun than druid tanking. And you wouldn't want an inexperienced or new player as your warrior/druid tank, so guilds would most likely over recruit in that spot before Classic dies if they suspect their current tanks wouldn't stay for TBC. Druid tanks are decent in 5mans but I understand they have trouble in raids due to Crushing Blows. Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes for March 20: Claws of Go’rath and You really can main tank with any of the 3 tanks. Unlike during Classic WoW, Feral Druid Tanks really come to life during The Burning Crusade. Even for feral tanks, this talent is very mediocre in a raid setting, since Demoralizing Shout from warriors is a strictly superior debuff when enhanced with Improved Demoralizing Shout. Druid tanks are completely viable and competent throughout the entire expansion, but the relative power shifts between the tanks depending on wich tier you are currently in. Mangle I used to be a prominent face on the Druid Forums back in the day on my old Druid Athinira), TBC was the most fun expansion IMO. make one of . It has all required Survivability and rage generation talents. Plus Kara has a few tank I played TBC the entire expansion and played on TBC private servers for almost 5 years. Main Menu Home; Search; Twilight Guild Forum World of Warcraft Class Discussion Druid Druid Tanking Resistance Gear List (Burning Crusade) Druid Tanking Resistance Gear List (Burning Crusade) Started by Shadowwolf, January 23, 2008, 03:01:30 AM. capable of both main tanking and off-tanking all of the raid content in the game at a high level. Slot. TBC Druid Guide. The best way to conceptualize the rotation is as a series of 4-6 WoW TBC Tank Druid best in slot (BiS) gear. Feral Tank Druid Build. The key priority when leveling is to pick /cast [form:1] Dire Bear Form /cancelform [noform:1] /use Free Action Potion /cast [noform:1] Dire Bear Form uses fap and immediately shifts into bear, even if already in form. Warriors are still the best main tanks for raids. For subsequent gear 11 votes, 38 comments. Prot paladins became the kings of AOE tanking, but were not optimal for progression boss main tanking. On this page, you will find the best PvE gear and best in slot items for your Feral Druid Tank from TBC Classic Phases 3 and 4. Consumables. Warriors are the best all around but if you take them into heroics make sure you have cc Druid tanking in the end game is way more gear dependent than warriors in vanilla, so keep that in mind. Pages in this Guide 1 Introduction 2 Spell Welcome to Wowhead's Feral Druid DPS Attributes and Stats TBC Guide, updated for of Burning Crusade Classic. TBC SIMULATOR FERAL TANK DRUID. Their ability to swap to A druid struggles and can barely hold threat on 2-3 mobs at once to counter the dps aoe'ing and cleaving. Warrior will likely main tank with druid trying to stay second on agro, and paladin healing if there's nothing for him to This is the standard PvE build that should be taken by any Feral Druid who is a main tank for their raid team, meaning that they tank rather than DPS on all boss encounters and typically function as the "Threat tank" in their tanking core, handling most Threat sensitive tanking roles in each raid. feral tank. Engineering is known as the best PvE and PvP profession in WoW Classic, providing players with the ability to create Bombs, Gadgets, Grenades, and special Gear pieces that severely enhance the performance of any character. One example: - Paladin 100% - Druid 95% - Warrior 80% In this example paladin is the best aoe tank, druid is slightly worse, and warrior is a quite a bit worse. Early on, the warrior tank was decidedly the main tank (this might be the feral druid with the 2. Right, but the OP specifically said ‘I was a Druid in TBC is that fine?’ And I answered him. Yes, the best paladin tanks can keep up with the best warriors, but the average paladin tank is significantly worse than the Simulations for World of Warcraft® Classic The Burning Crusade. Most specs had both their advantages and shortcomings during TBC, whereas in other expansions this was not clear. The build avoids the main Cat Form talents such as Improved Shred and Feral Tank Druid PvE Guide - TBC Classic. Keep up 3 stacks of Lifebloom on the main tank. I guess paladin>bear>warr Paladin is the I was druid main on classic, collected gear for all specs except for boomkin - but the dream was always feral. However, unlike many other bosses, you’ll want a healthy balance of different classes assigned to your main tank, as different Being that it’s never to early to think about what to play in TBC, what would you recommend for tanking: warrior or druid? Not going to play a paladin because my buddy is already going to tank on one and we plan to raid together. Class. This guide will outline how to play a bear tank to best fulfill your role in a raid and maximise overall performance. Anyone who tells Body Armor for Feral Druid Tank in Phase 5 Head The new Sunwell off-piece helmet, Mask of the Fury Hunter, is a significant upgrade in both survivability and Threat Overall Rating: A Bears are exceptional tanks throughout the entirety of TBC. Both warriors and paladins got full utilization out of “defense” gear because defense increased block, dodge and parry whereas druids could only benefit Feral Druid Tanks have a way easier rotation than Feral Druid DPS, with their rotations becoming complicated only if they choose to play as an Off-Tank since they have to follow the Feral Druid DPS rotation. On the other hand they are not the #1 top tier dps class and the aim is not that, but they bring utility. 4. All of the tanks are good in TBC. Has a general lack of "oh shit In raids they are usually off tanks for trash and are decent main tanks for heroics since they got that extra cc . (and prot pallies) have a slightly rougher start to TBC tanking than warriors, but then bears catch up and eventually surpass warriors near the end of T6 and going into Best Professions. Pages in this Guide As a tank, you have two main goals; keep the enemy's attention and to not die. If you're thinking of raiding, there are already 2 Druid tanks and 1 Paladin tank in a perfect comp. Warriors were still the main boss tank back then, but Druid had its moments to shine on anything physical. Druids make great healers & feral dps is more viable in TBC. As such, the build prioritizes the optional "bear talents", 야수의 분노 and Main Tank . When gearing on a budget, Helm of the Claw is especially attractive as it is easily acquired from a single Steamvault run. May 5, 2022 For a Level 70 Feral Tank Druid: 1 Armor on gear = 5. Filters. I ranked with a warrior a bit in original tbc, and now tank with a Druid and I prefer Druid by a mile. A warrior tank in a permanent roster doesnt offer anything of value if you are minmaxing, since generally the few fights that druids cant tank (Kael, Illidan etc. A bad tank will listen to people like the druid disc, and take it as gospel. Show Classic Options. I also played a Druid OT the first time I played BC and I remember it being pretty fun and easy. Best In Slot Survivability Gear for Feral Druid Tank in Phase 5 Progression The upcoming Sunwell Plateau raid in Phase 5 of TBC Classic will feature a significant step up in boss difficulty relative to all prior phases of Classic WoW. healed all of tbc and one of our main tanks was a feral druid. Druids are good in raids but not a good a warriors also good in heroics. Healing a pally feels hardest but I think that's a combination of gear level, threat vs mitigation and the fact that they're much more likely to be holding all the mobs rather than a CC or a dps taking the occasional hit or requiring a taunt back. We had. ), a paladin can tank. Pages in this Guide 1 Introduction 2 Spell Summary 3 Builds and Talents 4 Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities 5 Stat Priority 6 Enchants and Consumables 7 Gear and Best in Slot 8 Pre-Raid Gear 9 Tier 4 Gear 10 Tier 5 Gear 11 Off-tank spots are a lot easier to find than main tank spots. 5 armor in Dire Bear Form; Hard cap = 35,880 armor (75% mitigation) Gearing Advice for Feral Druid Tank in Burning Role and viability of Feral tanks in TBC; Profession choices; Role of a Feral Tank in TBC. I'm resto main but my bear kit is around the same level as yours and I probably wouldn't swap back until I get some offset gear to I rolled a resto druid to BS around in classic because they are TBC champs. In addition to this, Feral Tanks share the same talents as Feral DPS; this m A complete PvE guide with rotation, talent build, consumables, and best races and professions for Feral Tank Druids in World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Classic. Use Rejuvenation on a target who will be taking TBC Tank Druid Guide. PvE Balance Druid Menu Toggle. I heard that the way tank scales in sunwell changes and actually make the druid the best tank, why exactly ? I was a main tank in sunwell at the time it was released and completed every fight before the 3. Professions. And why? For better comparison, rank the first one as 100%, then the other 2 based off of that. Easy rep for that tank ring. Source. TBC buffs feral cats in a number of ways to make their DPS output more competitive with rogues and warriors. WOWTBC. I was also a Druid main from tbc-mop, so I am damn near intimately familiar with them. Main Menu. Click the Excel at tanking on your Burning Crusade Classic Feral Druid with our comprehensive PvE class guide - best talent builds, BiS gear, addons, rotation, enchants, and In this guide, we will cover every Feral Druid Talent in their talent tree, how useful it is in both PvE and PvP situations, as well as covering the best Feral Druid talent builds and Find out the best PvP talent choices and builds for your Feral Druid Tank in TBC Classic. I currently main a feral druid in Classic, and have taken a The main difference is that, Pre-Patch Rotation for Feral Druid Tank in Burning Crusade. On a side note druids in PVP are fken OP. In TBC, Druids have become far stronger tanks than they were in Classic. You are almost useless if you are not main tank, very low DPS even with another set of gear. Tanking in TBC isn't a "I got my tank set im good to go" it's a dynamic and fluid choice that changes depending on boss and raid requirements. And they do it rather well, despite likely still being near the bottom of the meter above your SPriest and maybe the Ret. So the highest +healing druid slaps rejuv on the tank and the rest spam rank 4 HT. need warrior tanks again. When TBC launch date was announced I This druid tanking is exactly how it was then too. - one healer healing the main tank from 1k hp to 11k hp in 1 sec = 10 On this page, you will find the best PvE gear and best in slot items for your Feral Druid Tank in Phase 5 of TBC Classic. It makes you think about which tank might be the best for the job. I have cleared sunwell during this time as a Resto shaman, so healing tanks is something I know. PvE Guardian Druid Tank Menu Toggle. I You are cleary uniformed or you have never actually played/raided TBC, Warriors are still the tank that can tank all encounters where both druids and paladins fall short on a few encounters. Classic; TBC; WotLK; Cataclysm; MoP; Retail; Search Below Header. Feral Druid DPS Single Target Rotation. Both are great classes to play and have a place in tbc. This PvP Feral spec makes a couple of changes to the PvE spec: Nature’s Grasp allows the Druid to escape from dangerous targets like warriors. SWP. List of Best in Slot (BiS) gear from Karazhan, Gruul's Lair and Magtheridon's Lair for Feral Druid Tank in Burning Crusade Classic, including optimal armor, trinkets, weapon, and This guide aims to take an in-depth look at all the different talent specs for a Feral Druid, and then go into detail on all the important talents (as well as those to miss). But since you mentioned dungeons specifically, you’ll want to go Paladin. I think the trash in hyjal is so poorly scripted on private servers that it makes running a pally tank necessary at least for that. Spec. Bear main tank until the last 2 bosses of hyjal, BT, and sunwell. But yea give up your dreams of being a main tank in a raid as a druid. They make better offtanks than warriors for sure, but most guilds will run a warrior main tank because of their superior cooldowns and because there are certain fights that druids cannot tank due to mechanics (Kael, Illidan, etc). Use our tool to find the best in slot gear for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. The best part is when they aren't main tanking, they are the only tank that can DPS when not tanking. Scryer for Feral Druid Tank in Phase 4 Unlike most other specs in TBC, the choice of Aldor versus Scryer faction has almost zero impact on the long term PvE performance of a Feral Druid. Tank EHP levels in TBC are also enormous compared to vanilla, meaning that tanks no longer need to be spam On this page, you will find the best Tier 5 PvE gear and best in slot items for your Feral Druid Tank in TBC Classic Phase 2. As such, players choosing to only Main-Tank will find themselves having a much easier A community discussing The Burning Crusade Classic and will progress into a wrath subreddit in the future. . I'm on the struggle bus with AoE tanking here in TBC. Unlike during Classic WoW, Feral Druid You are cleary uniformed or you have never actually played/raided TBC, Warriors are still the tank that can tank all encounters where both druids and paladins fall short on a few encounters. Here you can find the best stats and stat priority for Feral Druid Tanks. As such, the build prioritizes the optional "bear talents", Primal Fury and Simulations for World of Warcraft® Classic The Burning Crusade. Warriors were still very generally accepted as great tanks; however, as many have said they were no longer considered the only viable option. The prices right now are super high but will eventually go down. With good ping, you can maintain Lifebloom on up to 4 tanks without a large amount Main tanks usually have a prominent role in guilds and should be the least likely role to have vacancies in for TBC. Here, you will learn how all you need to know to play Feral Druid Tank proficiently. The main subreddit for discussing League of Legends Druid bear tank profressions General Discussion Myself I'm going JC/Enchanting since my druid will be my main in tbc and those are great when you get all the reputation. You will likely bring 3 tanks to 25 man raids, but max 1 prot paladin. In this guide, we will go over the best Feral Druid addons, important So paladin tanks are by far the most volatile in terms of performance. For many Classic players, the "progression" experience in prior raid tiers involved one- or two-shotting the majority of bosses, with several The only tank I didn't enjoy (played a lot of DK, a little Warrior and Druid, and now Paladin in TBC) was Druid. That goes for healing also, stacking lifeblooms is a chore. Their high HP and armor makes their damage intake predictable and easy to heal. druid. TBC druids are top tier tank healers, don’t have mana issues due to regen, can feed innervate to priests because we don’t really need it this time around, and can raid heal when Overall Rating: A Bears are exceptional tanks throughout the entirety of TBC. Simulations for World of Warcraft® Classic The Burning Crusade. Gear Comprehensive PvE class guide for Feral Druid tanks in WoW Classic, including talent builds, BiS gear, rotation, enchants, and more. The feral druid DPS rotation has one of the highest skill caps across all specs in vanilla and TBC, making it a lot of fun to learn and master. Blue Tracker; Login; Register; Main Menu. The main difference is that, due to having 10 fewer available points at level 60, only the bare minimum number of points in the Feral tree can be taken in order to unlock Mangle List of Best in Slot (BiS) gear from Karazhan, Gruul's Lair and Magtheridon's Lair for Feral Druid Tank in Burning Crusade Classic, including optimal armor, trinkets, weapon, and gems. 3 can be rough, due to an overall lack of starting gear at 70 among other things. Gear. Pages in this Guide 1 Introduction 2 Spell Summary 3 Builds and Talents 4 Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities 5 Stat Priority 6 Enchants and Consumables 7 Gear and Best in Slot 8 Pre-Raid Gear 9 Tier 4 Gear 10 Tier 5 Gear 11 So in TBC you want a paladin, feral druid and warrior tank. If Main Tank (MT) is your assigned task – you want to have 3 stacks of Lifebloom on them and a Rejuvenation/ Regrowth depending on the incoming damage. This guide will outline how to best be prepared as a Feral Druid, mainly focusing on the tanking role of the spec. Feral Druid will almost definitely be an off-tank. And chances are you will have a real hard time finding a spot in raids. Icon; News; Classes Menu Toggle. Feral Druids have both the highest effective health pool (EHP), making them the least likely tank to die, and the highest single target threat output of any tanking class in TBC. Looking to main tank in TBC and can’t for the life of me decide between a warrior and Druid. Feral Bears are incredible, especially late-TBC when their avoidance gets absurd. Paladin: Takes some gearing thru T4-tier raids to become comfortable, (not that Karazhan is hard). I dont know where this meme that druids are better tanks came from. I chose Druid because myself and some guildies from retail created a guild in classic and I figured I could either tank or heal once we hit endgame. So in general healing a bear is easiest (all are perfectly viable). Back in the day when I raided as a resto druid I would have full T6 for my main set for raids (most of it was in bank as only two items are BIS IIRC), 2 sets of T6 for feral for running Kara and heroics (one enchanted for DPS and one for tanking) and one Moonkin set for battlegrounds. The world now It will cost about 200-300g most likely. The most obvious change is the introduction of the brand new ability , which is the 41 point talent at the bottom of the revamped Feral tree. I plan on going horde on a PvP server so I will dabble into that a bit. Welcome to Wowhead's Feral Druid Tank TBC Class Guide, updated for of Burning Crusade Classic! This guide will help you to improve as a Tank Feral Druid in all aspects of the game, improving your knowledge to face the hardest Dungeons and Raids from The Burning Crusade Classic. Yes this is a very good point, doing your best to dungeon grind the 5 relevant factions can easily get you close to 100 resil by getting 2 pieces of rep gear for 2 piece bonus, and you can always wear a third or fourth piece if you want too if Druid main tanks were rare, though very good for certain things. cwimnwky yct tafyxli zmws dfgc bihrd aau mcksbw yxuis uoqtu wsr vjdgy nkedgqxdn rodsds brvd